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Coronavirus, the appeal of pediatricians: “Keep your children at home, health first of all”

Apulian pediatricians, as reported by La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, launch the appeal: “Keep your children at home. In this moment, distance learning is the only possible alternative, too many infections among the pupils ”.

“These are the data provided by the ASL of Bari – explains Luigi Nigri, national vice president of Fimp, the Italian federation of pediatricians – to prove that it worked to prevent pupils from returning to class. Let’s be clear about one thing: pediatricians are not opposed to frequency on principle. God forbid. But at this moment the course of the epidemic and the tracking system do not allow us to have an alternative to Dad. We learn to a large extent from parents and students the positivity of schoolchildren, demonstrating the current limitations of contact tracing ”.

Maria Chironna, biologist and head of the Molecular Epidemiology and Public Health laboratory of the Polyclinic, is of the same opinion. “Returning to presence is a risk right now. And I say this with the awareness of the big blow that is likely to give to a world, that of the school, which certainly deserved to be safeguarded. The damage that the lockdown has produced and can produce on children and adolescents are unspeakable and documented. But the protection of everyone’s health comes first ”.


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