Home » today » Health » Coronavirus survives for 28 days on smooth surfaces in lab environment (in the dark): “Virus is extremely robust”

Coronavirus survives for 28 days on smooth surfaces in lab environment (in the dark): “Virus is extremely robust”

The COVID-19 virus did best at 20 degrees, whereby up to 28 days after the start of the test, traces were still found on, for example, glass surfaces, banknotes or stainless steel. In comparison, the flu virus could survive up to 17 days in those ideal circumstances. We always speak of fractions of the original amounts of virus. For example, the half-life is even in those ideal circumstances between 1.7 and 2.7 days.

At 30 and 40 degrees, the COVID-19 virus scored a lot less, and the virus also appears to survive much less well on non-slippery surfaces such as clothing. The lab conditions were ideal in the case of those 28 days, in terms of temperature, surface, humidity and light. At 40 degrees, the amount of infectious virus would have disappeared after just 24 hours or less.

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