Home » today » News » Coronavirus, surge in infections in Puglia: there are 1,163 new cases and 12 deaths. Lopalco: “It’s not a peak”

Coronavirus, surge in infections in Puglia: there are 1,163 new cases and 12 deaths. Lopalco: “It’s not a peak”

Today’s daily data is the highest ever in daily communication, but the result – the Region and the Local Health Authority assure – of a recovery of cases not counted in recent days. 1,163 new cases of covid-19 infection reported in the bulletin of the November 3. The registered swabs are 5,955.

The infected are divided as follows: 716 in the province of Bari, 61 in the province of Brindisi, 117 in the province of Bat, 115 in the province of Foggia, 45 in the province of Lecce, 101 in the province of Taranto, 7 attributed to residents outside the region, 1 case of unknown province of residence. “The Asl Bari data – explains DG Antonio Sanguedolce – is affected by the recovery of numerous cards not inserted in the computer systems in the last few days and has been realigned today”.

“Today’s – clarifies however Pier Luigi Lopalco, councilor for health policies – does not represent a peak, because hundreds of cases reported in the bulletin refer to positivity that emerged over the last few days and entered the system today”. And also the general manager of Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce, assures: “The data of the Asl Bari is affected by the recovery of numerous cards not inserted in the computer systems in recent days and has been realigned today”.

Deaths went from 740 yesterday to 753, while with 194 more healed the negativized rose to 6,813. With these figures, the currently positive (total cases less deaths and healed) reach 13,525, of which 844 are hospitalized.

A huge expanse of increasingly intense red. This is how Puglia shows itself in the maps updated daily in the epidemiological bulletin, where the cities are highlighted with a darker tone as the currently positive ones increase. To be still “clear”, apart from rare exceptions in the central parts, only the border with Campania and Molise and some northern municipalities of Foggiano and a large part of Leccese. An image that gives the idea of ​​the spread of the virus.

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