Home » today » News » Coronavirus, surge in Campania: 138 new positives. De Luca: 133 are young and asymptomatic, we will watch

Coronavirus, surge in Campania: 138 new positives. De Luca: 133 are young and asymptomatic, we will watch

A surge in infections in Campania, which brings back the hands of the pandemic to recent months, when the number of positives was very high every day. Although the strength and effects of the virus with respect to the acute phase remain to be verified. The new bulletin of the Regional Crisis Unit for the implementation of measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19 reports as many as 138 positive in our region. Broken down as follows:

Positive of the day: 138

Buffers of the day: 4.135

Total positives: 5,722
Total swabs: 383,487

Deaths of the day: 1
Total deaths: 441

Healed of the day: 4

Total healed: 4,356 (of which 4,348 completely healed and 8 clinically cured. Patients who have become asymptomatic but are still waiting for the two consecutive swabs that prove their complete recovery are considered clinically cured).

“The data resulting from today’s checks – 138 positive – confirms the importance and effectiveness of the decision taken by Campania, the first region in Italy, to carry out mandatory checks on those returning from outside the region”: says the president of the Region, Vincenzo De Luca. “However, this significant number corresponds to very few hospital admissions. The reason for this apparent paradox – as the Cotugno managers explain – lies in the fact that the positives identified are in a very large majority asymptomatic boys or young people. Of the 138 today, 133 are results without symptoms. We must therefore continue with absolute rigor in this work of research and isolation of the positives, until the wave of returns runs out, even if this entails enormous additional work – with early staff returns – on our system. sanitary “.

“Let’s imagine – continues De Luca – what would have happened, in terms of the spread of the infection, if dozens of young people completely devoid of symptoms, had been able to return freely and circulate without control in our territory. I renew the appeal to maximum responsibility, and notify the local health authorities in case of return from outside the region. I renew the appeal to the Ministry of Health to start a national screening program ad horas before our fellow citizens return from Sardinia “.


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