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Coronavirus: Significantly fewer positive tests, consultation cabinet at Catshuis

State Secretary Visser infected with corona virus

State Secretary Barbara Visser (Defense) is infected with the corona virus. The minister announced this on Sunday. It is the first time that a member of the cabinet has tested positive in the Netherlands.

Visser announced the news himself. The State Secretary says he will make up for it, but will go into home isolation.

Cabinet consults at Catshuis about measures

A large part of the cabinet will meet again on Sunday afternoon in the Catshuis about the corona crisis. According to insiders, there is now talk about the situation after mid-December and whether or not the ‘partial lockdown’, which has been in effect since October 13, should be tightened up.

It is an informal meeting, formal decisions will only be taken on Tuesday. Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Corona Minister Hugo de Jonge are expected to give another press conference on Tuesday evening, in which they may announce new rules.

Rutte said on Friday during his weekly press conference that he also wanted to offer more insight into the holidays. He does not expect to be able to say anything about it in terms of content, but rather about how the decision-making will be made. It is also certain that the corona rules that were announced two weeks ago, such as the closing of theaters and museums, will automatically expire next Wednesday.

5457 new infections, 45 people died

5,457 new corona infections were reported to the RIVM between Saturday morning and Sunday morning. That is almost 500 fewer than the day before. The RIVM reported 5935 positive tests on Saturday, 6108 on Friday, 5651 on Thursday, 5417 on Wednesday and 4681 on Tuesday.

The number of deaths from corona increased by 45 in the last 24 hours. That does not mean that all these people died in the past 24 hours. This information is sometimes passed on with some delay. On Saturday, the RIVM registered 86 deaths.

Police Lisse helps to end the party in Nieuw-Vennep

In the night from Saturday to Sunday, the police, including police officers from Lisse, put an end to a big party in a tent in Nieuw-Vennep. More than eighty persons were present there. The atmosphere became grim, the Haarlemmermeer police said on Twitter. Assistance was needed from the military police and the police from Lisse. The partygoers can look forward to an official report.

5941 new infections Saturday

The number of new corona cases has fallen for the first time since Tuesday. Between Friday morning and Saturday morning, 5,941 positive tests were registered.

The RIVM had reported 6109 new cases on Friday, but that was adjusted to 6108 on Saturday. 5651 new cases were reported on Thursday, 5417 on Wednesday and 4681 on Tuesday.

In the past 24 hours, 154 infections have been reported in The Hague. In total there were 394 infections in Haaglanden. The safety region Rotterdam-Rijnmond had the most new infections with 670.

The number of deaths from corona increased by 86 in the last 24 hours. That does not mean that all these people died in the past 24 hours. Such information is sometimes passed on with some delay. 54 deaths were reported between Thursday morning and Friday morning.

You can see how many infections there are in our corona map your municipality.

Mayor van Zanen brings children’s drawings from The Hague to Sinterklaas

Mayor Jan van Zanen was allowed to visit Sinterklaas in the Pietenhuis on Saturday. Instead of the traditional entry, there was a special Sinterklaas journal. Various mayors were allowed to visit Sinterklaas. Van Zanen was the first mayor to come for an audience at Saint Nicholas. He came to bring all kinds of beautiful drawings of children from The Hague and of course a can of Haagse Hopjes.

Only vaccinated visitors at festivals

Music venues and festivals want to be able to distinguish between visitors who have and have not been vaccinated. That says the Association of Dutch pop venues and Festivals Faithful. The association sees opportunities to refuse tickets to non-vaccinated people, to resume festivals and to open music venues. ‘It is crucial for the survival of our organizations that we can do more’, says director Berend Schans.

Yesterday it was announced that a number of theaters, bisocopes and stadiums have received permission from the cabinet to conduct tests with more audiences. Then the number of infections must decrease in the coming period. For example, it is investigated how safe such events are. Concerts and festivals are not yet allowed to participate in the trial.

‘November and December critical period’

Chairman of the Dutch Intensive Care Association Diederik Gommers is critical of the cabinet decision to relax the corona measures next week. On Radio 1 he said he is concerned about the possible effect.

‘We have seen this summer that the number of infections increases when people have more contact with each other. So I hope we have learned from the summer, because we are still entering the difficult winter period. The month of November and especially the month of December are known for the cold viruses. That will really be the critical period, so I would be really careful at the moment, ‘says Gommers, who is also the permanent expert of the Outbreak Management Team (OMT) that advises the cabinet on measures against the outbreak.

Experts: vaccination campaign needed

Experts call for a vaccination campaign to convince young people in particular to get a corona prick. A new task force must develop this together with the RIVM, pediatrician-infectiologist, vaccinologist and emeritus professor Ronald de Groot told De Telegraaf.

According to De Groot, it will be a challenge to convince young adults to get vaccinated. ‘That is a concern and a problem. Some have shown through their behavior that they do not take corona so seriously. That is a considerable group. A good communication strategy will be necessary to achieve this. ‘


How many infections were in it your municipality? On our coronadashboard you can see, among other things, the current risk level of your region and the daily hospital admissions.

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