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Coronavirus, schools closed in Bologna. Disobedient Parents: “Our Kids Won’t Connect In Dad”

“A year ago, at the first lockdown, despite my daughter being abandoned at the nursery, I didn’t protest. Now, after a year, I see nothing but a new emergency without having thought of anything other than putting the children back in front of them. a screen. And then I am no longer silent, a signal must be sent. I do not question the health emergency, but I believe that after a year the word emergency should have been replaced by the word organization, and the organization of a civilized country would have put school among the priorities “. Enrica Sangiovanni is one of the mothers who decided today, the first day of school closure (except nursery and nursery schools) in the province of Bologna, not to connect her daughter for lessons.

A gesture of conscientious objection that is spreading. Tomorrow at the primary Longhena even Anna Marchi will not let her son, who is in first, do the hours of distance learning. And so do 12 other families in his class. He launched the initiative and there are already a hundred adhesions: “Refusal of Dad”.

The choice of Enrica Sangiovanni and her partner suffered: “We have three children aged 7, 13, 16. For a year now, since the beginning of the pandemic, the school has undergone closures and our older children have been subjected to several times and also for long periods of distance learning. Now we start again and moreover we are asked to put our daughter in first grade in front of the screen for five mornings a week from 9 to 12. No, we will not “. It is their disobedient act.

They wrote to communicate their choice to the school, they turn to the mayor Merola and the president of the Bonaccini Region, to the Ministry of Education: “After this long period we know for sure that being in front of the screens for many hours has caused psychophysical damage to our older children. We believe that the little ones can do even worse. So our little girl will not connect to your links and it will cost us a lot in terms of suffering and managing her discomfort but we feel the duty to exercise the right to conscientious objection to that kind of television that you insist on calling school. The school, in which we believe in spite of everything and to which we have always entrusted our children with confidence, is something else “.

The pupil will be marked absent, the school has already replied. “But we go on. We don’t even have five computers in the house, I applied but the school didn’t even answer me. The school is closed, she is not absent. I do not argue about the aperitifs under the arcades, I ask that the school staff vaccinated quickly and rather that adults shut up at home, leaving the children parks and large spaces where they can continue to do schools safely, even in a non-traditional way. During these months it would have been the task and duty of those who administer the it is public to find alternative solutions that exist. Instead we have contented ourselves with parking girls and boys for months, literally forgetting about them, their rights, their well-being “.

The protest spreads. Anna Marchi launched the disconnection from Dad through the Priority to School committee: “It is not so much that we refuse distance learning, it is okay to do it but in an emergency: provided, that is, that everything is closed. If you have to close because the situation is serious I I more than agree. Instead, now only the children are paying. To those who raised doubts about the strike I wrote this: there are those who think that conscientious objection to Dad means protesting on the skin of children, but this it is their protest because it is on their skin that the measures affect. They are the ones who have to clear the schools, they are deprived of sociality, they are the ones who are expelled from the parks and locked up at home, despite having always respected the rules, always done all the sacrifices required. So now it is up to us families to say: if we have to close, if we have to stop, that we all stop, not that once again we make the whole effort fall only on the children “.

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