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Coronavirus. Santiago del Estero: a lie, a wake, a positive case and the isolation of dozens of families

The moment of the arrest of Diego Perez, the driver who introduced the three people, lying, to Santiago del Estero Credit: Santiago del Estero Police Press


The deception perpetrated by four Buenosaireans

they lied go on their way to


to stay on a wake in this province, it had a sad ending:

last night it was confirmed that one of these people tested positive for coronavirus

, forcing the

isolation of dozens of families

who participated and who belong to Los Quiroga and nearby places.

The first news of the deception had caused amazement among the people of Santiago, who with the confirmation of the positive expressed their anger on social networks. The infected

He had contact with many settlers at the wake, accompaniment and subsequent burial.

Coronavirus. They said they were going to Salta and stayed at a wake in Santiago del Estero: they are imprisoned

As LA NACION published yesterday,

four Buenos Aires residents of Lomas de Zamora were arrested

when it was discovered that they attended a wake in this province, when the movement permit they had indicated that they were going to


, thus violating the provisions of Santiago by

coronavirus pandemic

. All were arrested and are at the disposal of justice.

On the border of Santiago del Estero with Santa Fe,

the driver Diego Pérez and Fabio Rolando Veliz, Susana Veliz and Reyna Felisa Veliz

, they exhibited a permit to move, which was issued last Thursday the 25th. It was valid for 48 hours and indicated that the final destination was Salta. The occupants stated that they were going to that province, to the wake and subsequent burial of a relative.

The police authorities allowed its entry and movement with the warning that it is strictly forbidden to stop in any city in Santiago. Hours later, the police received a complaint by l

in the presence of three people in the town of Los Quiroga

, a few kilometers from the capital of Santiago, which were participating in a wake, without respecting social distancing and in contact with neighbors in the area.

The immediate inquiries revealed that it was Fabio, Susana and Reyna Veliz, who had entered hours before lying that they were going to Salta. After the arrest, isolation and swabbing of these three people, a lock was carried out to find the driver who introduced them to the province,

Diego Pérez, who was arrested yesterday morning when he was trying to return to Buenos Aires.

The detainees stated that they had to lie and thus be able to specify their entry to Santiago del Estero. “We knew that in this province the controls are strict and they were not going to allow us to enter to stay, we had to say that we were going to Salta,” they assured.

One of these persons, female and surname Veliz, tested positive for the coronavirus swab. She is isolated and in good general condition, in the special hospitalization and isolation center set up at the Independencia Hospital.

Given this news that caused concern in the province, which several weeks ago did not register positive cases of coronavirus, the government authorities recalled that “entry to our province is absolutely prohibited and, in case of doing so for special reasons, you must comply with the corresponding quarantine in the places enabled for this purpose. ”

A second positive was reported last night, in the town of Pampa de Los Guanacos,

Alberdi Department, who had returned from the Province of Buenos Aires. He was immediately isolated, as were the people with whom he had contact, and from the Santiago government the residents of the area were asked to remain calm and not to leave their homes.

Santiago del Estero is one of the districts with the fewest cases

, registering with these two new ones a total of 24 to date, although it is necessary to wait to see if the Ministry of Health of the Nation will compute one of them to the province of Buenos Aires.

Until yesterday all the positives of the province had been discharged

. This allowed Governor Zamora to allow “free departmental movement between 8 and 24”, without the need to exhibit the “Circulating” rating, as well as, in the same time slot, the opening of bars, restaurants and confectioneries without the presence of children under 15 and with strict hygiene and distance protocols. The province also has no deaths from coronavirus.


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