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Coronavirus, Salvini: soon 100o dead, is a war bulletin

The bulletin of the dead in Lombardy «is not a peace bulletin but a war bulletin. And war measures are taken in war. Or black and white. There are no half measures ». So the League secretary Matteo Salvini live on Facebook, talking about the decree on the coronavirus emergency. “Within a week – mark it – a thousand deaths will be exceeded,” says the League secretary. “In Lombardy there are 8700 positives, 3600 hospitalized, more than 600 in intensive care and 617 deaths, 80 in the elderly centers”, Salvini recalls, according to which by the end of the week the quota “thousand” victims will be reached in Italy . “I remember in Rome that the ICU bed needs fans and pipes that are not found in a quarter of an hour: I say this in Rome, to those who administer it, not to citizens”, he adds.

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Coronavirus, the government squeeze throughout Italy: stop nightlife, sports, schools, travel
Stop nightlife

And on the resources needed to face the storm, Salvini has clear ideas: «Well the 25 billion from the government, thanks to our breakdowns of positive boxes. They said that I was pulling the numbers in the lottery, it will reach the figure of 30 billion, which will not be enough, the important thing is that this money can enter the pockets of the Italians, of the self-employed. We need liquidity, an agreement with the banks, with a moratorium on loans and mortgages ».

“It’s not north versus south”

The secretary of the League wants us to know that he does not make it a territorial battle. «What we are doing, what the Governors in the North are doing, is for everyone. The virus is not a Milanese problem, either from Veneto or Turin: if this virus arrives in force in Campania, Calabria, Puglia, Sicily, Basilicata or Molise – God forbid! – where health care does not have the numbers, it does not have the strength of those of Lombardy or Veneto, there is the sign of the cross to be made. But one cannot only hope that the Virgin Mary will look down on this poor, small, large country ».

«Soon more proposals»

Salvini announces the presentation of new proposals to Prime Minister Conte. «Even today, although we don’t listen often, we will bring other proposals today to face and overcome this problem, because what has been done so far is not enough, not enough, but not because Matteo Salvini, secretary of the League, tells the opposition, from the center-right, say the Italians who is wrong, who do not understand who, why, where and when. If it needs to be closed, it closes », adds Salvini. “If the Italians cannot go around – he underlines – what sense does it make to keep the shops open”? “We keep the services open for treatment and eating, we ask the craftsmen for availability.” “We have to close everything except pharmacies and food”, concludes the leader of the League.

March 12, 2020 (change March 12, 2020 | 1:53 pm)


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