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Coronavirus, Ricciardi: “Outbreak at school? It is evaluated case by case” | “Cases are increasing, but there will be no lockdown”

“Situation different from that of March” – Now there is “a completely different situation than in March”, underlines Ricciardi. “First of all, we intercept the cases much earlier, with a testing and tracing system that leads to the identification of subjects who in most cases are asymptomatic”.

“The danger of the virus does not change” – “For every contagion we verify there are four or five that we cannot ascertain. We must be careful, we have a thousand outbreaks of infection in Italy. There is no doubt that the situation is different March: what has not changed is the danger of the virus “. With these words the professor replies to those who asked him if it is incorrect to say that the infections arise because more tampons are made. “There are many infected and there is still the assumption that they become symptomatic, and end up first in hospital and then in intensive care. We must flatten the epidemic curve”.

“Well done until May, then a kind of free everyone” – “We must lower the circulation of the virus outside the school”, underlines Ricciardi. On the front of the fight against the spread of the coronavirus “when we reopened, in May, we behaved well. The problem happened later, when there was a sort of free everyone: travels, movements, gatherings started again and we forgot to use the masks. Creating an ideal situation for the virus “.

Travel abroad – As for the possibility of blocking travel abroad, given that there is a risk of return contagion, the ministry’s consultant observes: “You should not go on tourism in countries that do not make certain sacrifices. Countries like Spain, Croatia, Greece, they released all brakes. Everyone entered Croatia: Americans, Israelis, Indians, Brazilians. It is different to go to Scandinavia, where the situation is under control “. In any case, he points out, “quarantine is foreseen for arrivals from some states. As for the EU countries, it is the Commission that should intervene. Countries like Spain and France pose constant problems”.

“I am victim of infodemic” – Professor Ricciardi wanted to clarify his thoughts after being accused of wanting to postpone the next regional vote in the event of an increase in infections from Covid-19. “What happened to me is a typical case of infodemic, I said the opposite of what was reported. On the other hand, in countries where there is a resurgence of infections, they are thinking of not reopening schools or postponing other important activities such as elections are “.

The political controversy – The consultant of the ministry thus also replies to the “comments of politicians from different camps who labeled my position, without taking care to listen to my words available on the net, as prejudicial to essential democratic functions. Even more paradoxical was the fact that I reiterated in a note that I had never said anything of what I attributed, a clarification that was declassified by the aforementioned online sites as my self-correction, rather than explaining that it was a media error that had misrepresented in a way that brand my statements ” .

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