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Coronavirus: restaurateur wins lawsuit against insurer Axa

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine not effective and dangerous according to a new study

Hydrochloroquine and chloroquine, two malaria drugs, have no effect on patients hospitalized for Covid-19, said Mandeep Mehra, head of the Center for Advanced Heart Disease at Harvard University, quoted in Friday a press release from the Zurich University Hospital.

On the contrary, the data show that they have a higher risk of death: 11.1% for patients treated with one of these drugs, compared to 9.3% for a control sample. Researchers also observed a higher risk of cardiac arrhythmia, especially in patients with heart disease. Between 4 and 8% of patients treated with one of the antimalarials experienced a new arrhythmia, compared to 0.3% for those who did not take such treatment.

There is “no scientific evidence” for the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, says Frank Ruschitzka, head of the cardiology department at the University of Zurich. The two drugs should therefore no longer be used in case of Covid-19 until the results of other studies are available.

6:05 pm: Worship, a resumption in early June?

Public authorities recommend that the cults wait until early June for a resumption of the celebrations, said several religious leaders, to whom will be transferred responsibility for the conditions and timetable for the opening of places of worship.

5:13 p.m .: Restaurant owner Stéphane Manigold wins his first victory against insurer Axa

The Paris Commercial Court ruled on Friday, in interim proceedings, to Stéphane Manigold, Parisian restaurateur, who had summoned his insurer Axa France after his refusal to compensate the operating losses of one of its establishments, closed in the part of the health crisis. He estimated that the insurer was evading its contractual obligations concerning his establishment Le Bistrot d´à côté Flaubert, located in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, one of the four restaurants he runs with La Maison Rostang, Substance and Contraste.

Today is a great time for all the little and big bosses who are suffering

“Today is a great moment for all the big and small bosses who are suffering, who gave me the energy to fight. Axa put inordinate means to annihilate us. We faced a multinational, and we won, “said tears in his voice, Stéphane Manigold.

Axa had said that its contracts did not provide for taking over “operating loss in decisions by ministerial orders consisting in generally prohibiting public access to certain establishments to combat the spread of a virus”.

Axa has announced that he will appeal.

5:03 p.m .: Massive screening at Loudun hospital after positive cases

Samples were taken Friday from nearly 250 patients and staff at the Loudun hospital site (Vienna) after nine cases of Covid-19 were identified.

4:16 p.m .: The price of framed gels and masks until July 10

The price limits for hydroalcoholic gels and single-use surgical masks were extended until the planned end of the state of health emergency in France on July 10, according to a decree published on Friday.

4:12 p.m .: Post-traumatic stress symptoms in 30% of interns

One in three interns show symptoms of post-traumatic stress since the coronavirus crisis, according to a study published Friday by the National Intersyndicale des Internes, which is alarmed by the impact of the epidemic on the “mental health” of young medical practitioners.

2:35 pm: Russia expects “significant” increase in mortality in May

The Russian authorities expect a “significant increase” in the mortality rate in May in Russia, the second country most affected by the pandemic in number of cases.

“Our analysis and the development curve of the epidemic in Russia (…) indicate that a significant increase in mortality indicators will be registered in May,” said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova.

1:30 p.m .: Watch out for certain germicidal lamps

The DGCCRF warns against the sale on the Internet of certain germicidal lamps which do not respect the standards in force.

12.55 p.m .: The second round of municipal elections set for June 28

The Prime Minister announced on Friday that the second round of municipal elections would be set for June 28, if sanitary conditions allow.

These postponed elections remain an election with multiple unknowns.

12.31 p.m .: Failure to reopen kindergartens in Bobigny “infringes” the right to education

The administrative court of Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) estimated that the closing until nursery schools in Bobigny until September “infringed” on the right to education and ordered the town hall to define by the beginning of June “modalities” to welcome students, according to an order made Wednesday.

The centrist municipality had decided that the nursery schools and nurseries would remain closed until September, citing the young age of the children concerned, which did not allow them to respect barrier gestures, in particular physical distancing.

11:22 a.m .: The president of Grand Est wants his region to turn green

The president of the Grand Est, Jean Rottner, asked this Friday that his region turns green, denouncing a red color “extremely stigmatizing”.

“With this long weekend, all the reports turn their gaze to the west, the difficulties on the beaches, but no report on tourism in the East, it is still quite significant.”

“There is an absolutely strategic economic issue behind this color. It is not only sanitary, it is the rescue of an economy which is in great difficulty”, he assured on LCI.

With low circulation of the virus and an occupancy rate below 50%, the region is among the criteria for going green. “We will wait until June 2, since we are promised a potential change on that date,” said Jean Rottner.

11:16 a.m .: Emmanuel Macron announces a summit on nature in Marseille in 2021

President Emmanuel Macron announced on Twitter this Friday morning the holding, on January 11, 2021, of a “One planet summit”, a summit on biodiversity, in Marseille, on the occasion of the World Conservation Congress International Union for the Conservation of Nature, to be held in the same city.

A previous “One planet summit” was held in 2017 near Paris. The objective: “Mobilize and act” to “protect ecosystems” in order to “prevent the appearance of epidemics like that of Covid-19”.

10.57 a.m .: Municipal: joint declaration by Philippe and Castaner at 12.30 p.m.

Edouard Philippe and Christophe Castaner will make a statement this Friday at 12:30 pm on the holding of the second round of municipal elections.

The second round of municipal elections, scheduled for March 22, was postponed due to Covid-19. The holding of the first round on the 15th, on the eve of the confinement announcement, had been marked by a massive jump in abstention, which had exceeded 55% of the voters.

In a notice to the government, the scientific council did not oppose the holding of the second round in June, with conditions, however, to strengthen health security throughout the electoral process.

9h58: Sometimes uncomfortable, we explain to you why the mask is not dangerous

Wearing a mask is essential to protect yourself from coronavirus, or even compulsory in certain situations (transport, companies, public spaces, etc.). There is no shortage of testimonies from French people who are finding it increasingly difficult to wear it. While it can be uncomfortable, the mask is not dangerous when used properly. We explain to you why.

9:03 a.m .: UK to impose 14-day quarantine on travelers arriving from abroad

The UK will impose a 14-day quarantine on travelers arriving from abroad to limit the spread of the new coronavirus, Northern Ireland Minister Brandon Lewis said on Friday.

9 am: Bruno Le Maire: “There will be bankruptcies and layoffs”

The Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire warned this Friday: “There will be bankruptcies and there will be layoffs in the coming months”, while the government plans to gradually reduce from June the unemployment support system partial which had so far avoided waves of layoffs.

8:43 am: Singer Aldebert “I trust our children more than we do”

The singer Aldebert recently released a song for children to explain the barrier gestures during this period of coronavirus. In “Coronaminus”, he stages the microbe in the form of an alien that wants to invade the earth. A clip is to be published this Friday, entirely produced thanks to fan videos.

In the podcast below, he tells us what pushed him to realize this original project. Dad of three young children, he brings us into his intimacy, upset by the pandemic, and offers us his vision of the world.

If you can’t see this podcast, deactivate your ad blocker.

8:03 am: Overseas students in confinement near Roissy

For some, it was “more logical” so as “not to lose 14 days” on arrival, for others “a precautionary measure” so as not to contaminate their loved ones: nearly 400 overseas students are in “fourteen strict ”in two hotels near Roissy airport, before being able to return to their territories.

The first arrived a week ago, the last Saturday: from Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, Guyana, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, or Reunion, they are all there volunteers and wait in isolation in their room individual, where time is punctuated by meals delivered outside their door and health examinations to ensure that they are not carriers of the coronavirus.

7:35 am: China triumphs but renounces setting a course for the economy

China on Friday posted its triumph over the coronavirus, but the country behind the epidemic has given up on setting a growth target.

Shaken by the virus that appeared at the end of 2019 in Wuhan (center), the regime of President Xi Jinping has managed to stem the epidemic on its soil, even as it spread throughout the world, killing nearly 330,000 people.

“We have achieved a major strategic success in our response to Covid-19,” proclaimed Prime Minister Li Keqiang, opening with two and a half months of delay the plenary session of the National People’s Assembly, the annual high mass of power. Communist.

6.30 a.m .: Over 20,000 coronavirus deaths in Brazil

Brazil crossed the 20,000 dead mark for the new coronavirus on Thursday after a record 1,188 deaths in the past 24 hours, the ministry of health said.

By far the most affected country in Latin America with two thirds of the continent’s deaths, Brazil is currently experiencing a marked acceleration in its curve, with a total of 20,047 deaths and 310,087 confirmed cases, figures which would be well below reality, according to scientists.

6:20 am: American flags flown at half-mast to honor victims of the coronavirus

Donald Trump announced on Thursday a half-mast for three days of flags flying over US federal buildings to honor the memory of victims of the coronavirus.

“I will fly the flags on federal buildings and national monuments at half-mast for the next three days in memory of the Americans we lost because of the coronavirus,” the US president tweeted.

The country most grieving by the pandemic, the United States has deplored more than 94,000 deaths due to the virus, according to a count of Johns Hopkins University, which refers

6:15 am: The date of the second round could be announced this Friday

The date of the second round of municipal elections, postponed due to the coronavirus epidemic, could be announced this Friday by the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, and his Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, according to France Info. BFMTV claims that the date of June 28, 2020 has been retained by the government unless the scientific council advises otherwise.

6:15 am: Follow with us the evolution of the situation on the front of the Covid-19 pandemic in France and in the world.

Information from the last hours

– The toll of the coronavirus epidemic was at least Thursday evening 28,215 deaths in France, with 83 new deaths recorded. The number of patients hospitalized in intensive care is decreasing.

The long sunny weekend that started on Thursday raises fears of an influx of walkers that could favor a new outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, while the government is still counting the economic damage and promises to reform the health system “quickly” and “strong”.

– The planet has passed the course of the five million cases of new coronavirus identified with a contrasting situation between China ready to declare “victory” over the virus, Europe which is gradually reopening and the American continent where the toll continues to grow.

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