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Coronavirus Reggio Emilia, infected in the disco in Riccione – Chronicle

Reggio Emilia, 22 August 2020 – It’s the worst day. And this time on the dock there are no longer only foreign destinations, but the Riviera. Reggio yesterday recorded 19 positive cases to the Coronavirus, of which 12 symptomatic. Our province was by far the worst in the whole Region, including the populous Bolognese capital, where testing of swabs at the airport was also started.

But Reggio with the 19 positives off all. And it is by reading the detail of these data the concern rises especially among the youngest. Six are the cases of guys who they had frequented dance clubs in Riccione and that they returned home with the virus. Of these, five are in their twenties and one is in their fifties.

READ ALSO Coronavirus, the bulletin in Emilia Romagna

Obviously we are talking about infections which took place before August 15th, since from 16 onwards all nightclubs were closed. Six others, however, concern people who have returned from abroad (Albania, Turkey, Corfu and Malta). Of these, half were in their twenties, while the others were in their 50s, either tourists or returning to their native country. Two, however, come from a family outbreak.

There are two contacts of a known case, that the Ausl has unearthed thanks to the epidemiological investigation carried out by public hygiene. And finally one was identified as part of the screening activity in a local company. Finally, two the cases of positivity currently considered isolated. Of the nineteen cases recorded yesterday, seventeen are in home isolation (although many with symptoms), while two of them required hospitalization, but not intensive care. They are two elderly people, over seventy years old.

In the last four months (including May) it had never happened to arrive at this figure. It is also true that the Ausl had not yet developed the capacity for laboratory analysis which instead it has shown to have in recent months. Reggio makes more swabs than the other provinces and this leads to higher figures than our neighbors. Or at least that’s what the leaders of the Ausl claim. If this were not the case, it would mean that our province has not proved capable of adequately protecting itself.

Looking at the whole Region, here is the picture that emerges: since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, in Emilia-Romagna there were 30,708 positive cases, 82 more than yesterday, of which 44 asymptomatic identified as part of the regional contact tracing and screening activities. Even today, the number of tampons exceeds 10,000, while the transmission index (Rt) at 14 days is 0.45, below the national average, set at 0.83.
Of the 82 new cases, 52 were already in isolation at the time the swab was performed and 31 were identified in known outbreaks. There are 32 new infections linked to holidays or returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasal pharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if arriving from non-Schengen countries and one swab if returning from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The swabs made yesterday are 10,062, for a total of 811,229. To these are added 1,375 serological tests.

Active cases, that is, the number of actual patients is 1,861 to date (45 more than those registered yesterday). There is no death in the whole Emilia-Romagna area. The number therefore remains unchanged: 4,455. And here is the situation of the other provinces: 4,723 in Piacenza (+12, 4 symptomatic), 3,864 in Parma (+9, 4 symptomatic), 4,268 in Modena (+7, 2 symptomatic), 5,493 in Bologna (+9, 6 symptomatic ), 447 cases in Imola (unchanged), 1,147 in Ferrara (+5, 1 symptomatic), 1,251 in Ravenna (+12, 6 symptomatic), 1,011 in Forlì (+2, 1 symptomatic), 869 in Cesena (unchanged) and 2,368 in Rimini (+7, 2 symptomatic)

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