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Coronavirus, Raymond Johansen | 106 new cases of infection in Oslo

On Tuesday, 106 new corona cases were reported in Oslo. That is more than double the previous day when the number was 52.

The numbers from Oslo council shows that in the last two weeks a total of 798 infected people have been registered in the city, reports NTB.

Most infected people are in the age group 20–29 years. There are now 220 cases of infection here. This is followed by the age groups 30–39 and 40-49, with 168 and 110 infected, respectively.

It is now the district Ullern that has the highest infection pressure, 164.9 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, according to the latest figures from Oslo. This is followed by the Old Oslo district (156.8), the Stovner district (153.1) and the Frogner district (148.5).

See Oslo Municipality’s corona statistics here and in the table below.

The sharp jump in registered cases of infection in Oslo comes the day after City Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) presented stricter measures to kill the virus and Prime Minister Erna Solberg two hours later presented new national measures.

On behalf of the City Council, Johansen presented a list of new infection control measures that apply in Oslo from Thursday 29 October. Among other things, it is mandatory to wear a bandage indoors in a public place where it is not possible to comply with the distance rules, the home office recommendation becomes even clearer and the capital’s residents are asked to limit their social interaction with others and not let the number of contacts exceed 10 people. of a week.

– On paper, it seems that we are back where we are in March, but it is on paper, Johansen said about the infection figures for Oslo and pointed out that far more are being tested now than this spring.

Also read: Stricter corona measures are introduced in Oslo – the city council leader threatens the police

The infection control rules apply in Oslo from Thursday 29 October at 12 noon

  • Mandatory for face masks indoors in public places (shops, malls) where you can not maintain at least 1 meter distance.
  • Mandatory for bandages indoors at restaurants for employees and guests in all situations where you do not sit at a table.
  • Stop in admission to nightclubs at 10 pm.
  • Restriction of participants at all indoor events without fixed seating is reduced from 50 to 20 people.
  • Order for home office and requirement that all employers must document that the employees have been informed that they must have a home office as far as practicable.
  • The number of contacts during a week should not exceed 10 people in social contexts in addition to household members and kindergarten and primary school cohorts.

In addition to the national infection control measures, the City Council continues the following Oslo measures:

  • Prohibition of private gatherings with more than 10 people.
  • Mandatory for bandages in public transport when you can not keep one meter away.
  • Pouring stop from 24.00.
  • Limitations in general sports for adults.
  • A maximum of 200 people can be present at outdoor events.

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