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Coronavirus, Public Health Agency | The latest corona figures from Sweden on 23 March

Sweden is approaching 800,000 confirmed cases of infection. An occupational group points out to be particularly vulnerable.

See press conference with state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell from 14.00:

Continues to increase

In week 10, the number of confirmed cases of covid-19 continued to increase in Sweden, but the pace has slowed down, the Public Health Authority’s latest weekly report shows.

The number of confirmed cases of infection so far in the pandemic is 744,272, intensive care units are 5,645 and the number of coronary deaths 13,262, shows Public Health Agency statistics.

Particularly vulnerable occupational group

An occupational group turns out to be particularly vulnerable to becoming seriously ill from covid-19. It shows a study conducted at Karolinska Institutet, reports Aftonbladet Tuesday.

Driving instructors and traffic instructors are 2.7 times as likely to be severely affected by covid-19 as the working population in general. This occupational group – which is admittedly not large – is more vulnerable than other high-risk groups, such as doctors, nurses and leisure leaders. They have an increased risk from 2 to 2.1 above average.

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– They sit in the car with the student for quite a long time, and both have to sit in the front seat. It is known from the past that the coronavirus can spread very effectively between people who travel together in minibuses, says Maria Albin to Aftonbladet about the driving instructors’ working environment. She is a professor and business manager at the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (CAMM) at Karolinska Institutet.

In the places behind the driving school teachers on the list are dentists (2.11), doctors (2.09), napraprater / physiotherapists (2.05), athletes and leisure leaders (2.05), social workers and priests (2.01), nurses ( 1.98), machine operators in industry / pharmacy (1.89), police (1.55 and auxiliary nurses (1.54).

– The highest risk is if you both work close to other people and are often exposed to other people’s illnesses and infections, says Albin according to CAMM.

See the study on occupations and covid-19 risk here (PDF)

Large geographical differences

As of 19 March, Sweden has given 1.3 million doses of coronary vaccine. The proportion who have received two doses is 4.7 percent.

The weekly figures still show large geographical variations in the spread of infection. In six regions, the incidence rate showed a 15 per cent increase or more in week 10. At the same time, the figures for intensive care units nationally showed an increase.

Worst in the Nordic countries

Sweden has paid a high price for the corona pandemic in the number of dead and infected. The incidence rates for infections and deaths in the last 14 days are still the highest in the Nordic countries.

In Norway, 225 new cases of infection and 0.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants were registered on Monday in the last 14 days, reports NTB.

For Sweden the number was 580 infected and 2.5 dead, for Denmark there were 184 infected and 0.4 dead in Denmark, for Finland 174 infected and 0.7 dead and for Iceland 11 infected and no dead.

On Monday, coronation figures from Johns Hopkins University showed that Estonia, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Hungary and Jordan have the highest infection rates in the world, all with insider numbers above 1,000 (infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days). Estonia has an incidence rate of 1540. The highest death rate among these countries (number of deaths per 100,000 in the same period) has the Czech Republic with 27.7.

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