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Coronavirus: Poorly Protected Doctors In Wuhan Work In Fear

The death of virus-infected doctor Li Wenliang last Friday, who was reprimanded for being one of the first to raise the alarm in late December, illustrates the difficult working conditions of primary care physicians.

It is especially the shortage of medical supplies that worries. Because Wuhan, where the coronavirus appeared in December, has the heaviest human toll: 74% of the approximately 1,100 deaths recorded in the world, and 43% of all infected patients.

Reused combinations

“To save full suits, co-workers only change them once every four, six, or even eight hours,” said a doctor.
She works for a large hospital for the severely sick with pneumonia, in the city that has been de facto quarantined since January 23.

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“During this time, colleagues cannot eat, drink or go to the bathroom,” she said, preferring to remain anonymous for fear of possible reprisals. Some wear diapers for adults during their long hours of care, recognized the National Health Commission. Of 59,900 combinations needed every day, doctors and nurses in Wuhan only have … 18,500, said deputy mayor Hu Yabo. The same goes for N95 masks, which protect against the virus: it would take 119,000 per day, they only have 62,200.

Wuhan officially has 19,558 people infected so far. But many more came to consult in hospitals.


400 patients in eight hours

A situation that revolts Xu Yuan, a Chinese woman who lives in the United States and is in daily contact with ex-classmates, who have become doctors or nurses in Tongji and Xiehe hospitals, which welcome patients in serious condition. Alerted thanks to them “as of the end of December” of the gravity of the epidemic, she said that she had spent 4,600 euros to buy protective suits and send them to her friends.

“One of them is forced to wear the same five days in a row. Every day, he cleans it with disinfectant after use. He says it may no longer be useful, but it’s better than nothing, “said the woman on the phone. “He sent me a video. He is seen in an ambulance fetching eight patients suspected of being infected. Can you imagine (…) without an adequate combination, with eight potential sources of the virus around you? “

Wuhan officially has 19,558 people infected so far. But many more came to consult in hospitals. “Doctors from all specialties are called in for reinforcement. In a department, they receive 400 patients in eight hours, “said the same doctor from Wuhan, who is not yet in the field but is preparing to be mobilized.

Fear of speaking

“Many colleagues are dealing with patients who are extremely contagious, or whose condition degenerates and who die very quickly,” she explains, stressing that her hospital provides psychological follow-up to prevent the “exhausted staff” from cracking. Some caregivers discuss their working conditions via social media or the media. But many are afraid to speak out because the Communist Party (CCP) watches and censors any content that may fuel discontent.

“Many colleagues are dealing with extremely contagious patients”

His obsession: a video like the one broadcast live by a Chinese journalist a few days ago. A man emerges from a black sedan and retrieves a box of N95 masks from a Red Cross warehouse. When questioned, he refuses to say who he works for. Thanks to the license plate, the reporter finds the owner of the vehicle: the town hall… Outcry from internet users, who wonder why a charity provides the authorities, when hospitals face a shortage.

40 infected doctors

“Even if we receive more masks, the number of patients increases even faster. Without N95, we must use N90, which are less filtering, or simple surgical masks, ”explains the doctor. “With more protective supplies, we could open more beds” because there would be more mobilizable doctors, she said.

Sign of the risk for staff: 40 were infected in a hospital in Wuhan.
Sign of the risk for staff: 40 were infected in a hospital in Wuhan.


Sign of the risk for staff: 40 were infected in a hospital in Wuhan, according to a study published Friday in the American medical journal Jama. “At home, we have about 17 doctors who are suspected of being infected,” said a doctor from a small neighborhood hospital, on condition of anonymity. Due to the shortage, staff must disinfect masks there, or even wear … workers’ coats.

“Those of us with fever are in quarantine. But we are not enough to work. So if after seven days you no longer have a fever, the hospital will push you back to work. “

The industry is not following yet. National mask production is only 73% of its normal capacity, confessed Sunday to the press Chen Da, a senior official of the national planning agency.

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