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Coronavirus, phase 2: movements allowed between municipalities in the same region. Scientists: closed schools

Green light to the reopening of the shops providing for particular precautions for possible aggregations, caution for restaurants and bars that have a greater impact than the risk of triggering new coronavirus epidemics. So the places to eat and drink will be back in business from mid-May but with a capacity reduced by 50 percent. This is the opinion of the Technical-Scientific Committee delivered to the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in view of the decree on “phase 2” which will enter into force on May 4. The experts agree in reiterating the maximum opposition to the return to school of the children before the summer and recommend that smart working be maintained in all possible cases. They give the green light to the construction and manufacturing sector and among the necessary limitations for trade they insert local markets (excluding those where food is sold) and shopping centers. On one point they are categorical: Aggregation activities must be prohibited. Prolonged ban therefore for recreational clubs, theaters, cinemas, discos and all cultural and leisure activities.

The R0 index

The report specifies that the contagion index it is currently between 0.5 and 0.7 after reaching maximum peaks of 3. For this reason, it recommends a cautious and gradual recovery given that in Italy only 3% of the population has so far been infected. The graphs indicate that in Lombardy the percentage of positives is 10%, while in Lazio it is 0.5. The infected in Piedmont are about 3%, in Emilia Romagna they rise to 5.5%, in Liguria to 4%, in Campania to 0.2%.

The masks

An entire chapter dedicated to protective devices. According to the scientists there is still uncertainty about their effectiveness in absolute terms, but the use widely recommended to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus especially when it is not possible to maintain the social distancing that remains the most suitable measure to achieve the purpose. For this reason, if you decide to make the masks, they should be made available to everyone at a regulated price.

The movements

Travel bans will be eased, but self-certification will still be required. Transfers between Municipalities of the same Region will be allowed from 4 May, while for now it will not be possible, except for urgent cases or business reasons, to move from Region to Region. Not yet decided when you can go to second homes.

The companies

According to the scientists, the manufacturing and textile sectors in the medium-low hazard level are therefore given the green light for reopening from 4 May but with staggered entry and exit shifts for those who cannot carry out their duties in smart working. The workstations for those who work in the office must be spaced, the fever must be measured at the entrance.


Work is underway to restart the commerce sector from 4 May. But there are still many difficulties regarding the reopening of some types of shops, from clothing to shoes. The great obstacle, in addition to the distancing of customers, is that of sanitizing clothes, which requires new machinery. Shopping centers and local markets remain closed.

Hairdressers and aesthetics

Premises will have to follow strict rules for cleaning and sterilizing instruments, as well as protections for staff and customers. The relationship must always be one to one between those who work and those who benefit from the treatment. The reopening is still premature on 4 May and the delay of at least a week is estimated, therefore on 11 May.

Bars and restaurants

According to the scientists, the reopening of these places provides a greater risk impact than other activities and therefore a distancing wider – at least two meters between the tables – and in any case a halving of the capacity to avoid any risk of contact. It therefore seems obvious that they will not reopen before 11 or 18 May, if not (perhaps) for the take away service.

The walks

It will be possible to walk even if you do not stay close to your home but always at a distance. Parks, villas and gardens have been closed with orders from the mayors and therefore the first citizens will decide if and when to reopen.

Outdoor sports

From 4 May it will be possible to return to individual training and therefore you can go jogging and also outdoor sports. The distance goes up to at least two meters. Professionals can return to the centers, but always working alone or with a trainer but respecting the distance.

April 23, 2020 (change April 23, 2020 | 07:53)


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