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Coronavirus. PFR, anti-crisis shield – no tax on the canceled part of the subsidy

The Polish Development Fund gave almost three-quarters of companies a decision not to collect tax on the canceled part of the subsidy from PFR 1.0 Shield. So far, a total of PLN 30 billion has been written off to entrepreneurs.

The vice-president of PFR Bartosz Marczuk indicated that out of 348 thousand. companies that received support from the PFR 1.0 Shield received the decision to cancel 260,000, i.e. nearly 75 percent. enterprises. He noted that 82 percent. of them approved the redemption value calculated and presented by PFR. Every tenth decision required changes, e.g. as a result of declarations of losses, and 7-8 percent. the decision is in abeyance. – PFR is still verifying the data so as not to issue negative verdicts for entrepreneurs – explained Marczuk.

– So far, we have written off about PLN 30 billion, and on average it is about 63 percent of the amount that the entrepreneur has received – said the deputy head of the Polish Development Fund. He added that almost 40,000 companies are entitled to retain 100 percent. support and these are mainly enterprises most affected by the restrictions introduced as a result of the pandemic, operating under 54 PKD codes.


He reminded that the amount of the subsidy that will remain after the redemption should be paid to the bank in 24 installments without any interest, and the first beneficiaries of Traczy PFR 1.0 will start repaying on Monday, July 26. – Considering that we are already very advanced in the redemption process, it can be expected that the final amount that will remain in the companies from the FPR 1.0 Shield will amount to approximately PLN 40 billion, plus approximately PLN 7 billion for failure to collect taxes – concluded the vice president.

He recalled that PFR, in agreement with the Ministry of Finance, postponed the date of issuing the first decisions on the cancellation of subsidies from May 31 to June 1. The regulation was published on July 16.

Shields of the Polish Development Fund

As part of the Shield of the Polish Development Fund 1.0, launched during the spring wave of the pandemic last year, the Fund paid out PLN 61 billion. Support went to 348 thousand. enterprises from all over Poland, employing over 3.2 million employees.

In the face of the second wave of the pandemic, the government and PFR also prepared the Financial Shield 2.0. The purpose of this program was to provide financial assistance to companies from industries that had to reduce their activities due to the epidemic situation related to COVID-19.

The value of aid for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises from Shield 1.0 and 2.0 amounted to PLN 68.1 billion. The aid received from around 360 thousand. companies. The average subsidy for a micro-company employing up to nine people amounted to approximately PLN 80 thousand. PLN, and for companies from the SME sector, employing from 10 to 249 people – about 550 thousand. PLN.

photo-source">Main photo source: Shutterstock

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