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Coronavirus: Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine shows positive results – Science – Life

The companies Pfizer (US pharmaceutical company) and BioNTech (German biotech) presented the preliminary results of the vaccine candidate against the new coronavirus they are developing.

According to the chain ‘CNN‘, the volunteers to whom they have applied the experimental vaccine “responded to immunization and was found to be well tolerated.”

It must be said that the investigation of this possible cure it is ongoing and in phase 1/2.

(See also: Negative effects of covid-19 found in blood of some patients).

BNT162b1 is one of 17 vaccine candidates against the new coronavirus, the World Health Organization has reported.

The volunteers

Those who are participating in these trials, which have been going on for several weeks, are 45 adults, between 18 and 55 years old.

These people were administered dose different from the possible vaccine, as the companies assured in a document they presented on the preliminary results, thus:

  1. 12 were given two doses of 10 micrograms 21 days apart.

  2. Twelve were given two doses of 30 micrograms 21 days apart.

  3. Twelve were given a dose of 100 micrograms on the first day.

  4. 9 were given a placebo.

The findings

The BNT162b1As this experimental vaccine is called, it generated antibodies against the coronavirus in all the participants.

In those who received the 10 and 30 microgram doses, the antibodies appeared seven days after receiving the second dose. In those who applied doses of 100 micrograms, the results appeared after 28 days of receiving it.

(Also read: The drama of a young man whom the covid took from his family in a week).

Before the discovery of the antibodies, the researchers leading this work also found, in some of the volunteers, “injection site pain, fever or sleep disturbances, but not serious “, the companies assured.

“These results are encouraging and allow us to justify the rapid production of a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 (the new coronavirus) to prevent covid-19 (the disease),” they added in the document.

(You may be interested in: They investigate if coronavirus causes diabetes in some patients).

Something important to make clear is that these findings They were announced this Wednesday, July 1 in a texto preimpreso, but they have not been published in specialized peer-reviewed journals.

Other candidates

BNT162b1 is one of 17 candidates for vaccines against the new coronavirus, the World Health Organization.

Others that are developed are in the hands of Moderna Therapeutic, CanSinoBIO, the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca, the Russian State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology (Vector) and that of the Sechenov University.

Some have been tested and have also had preliminary results, such as those of Moderna Therapeutic and Sechenov University, which registered fever and fainting and headaches, respectively.

(Also read: Effects of possible covid-19 vaccine on volunteers).

On that of VectorFor its part, it was reported that “Three prototypes have been tested that have successfully passed tests of ability to elicit an immune response.”

Until this July 1, worldwide there were more than 10.6 million infected and more than 515,000 deaths.


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