Home » today » News » Coronavirus Peru | Targeted quarantine | Ciro Maguiña: We must prepare the population to reach December with fewer dead and less sick | COVID-19 nndc | Politics

Coronavirus Peru | Targeted quarantine | Ciro Maguiña: We must prepare the population to reach December with fewer dead and less sick | COVID-19 nndc | Politics

The deputy dean of the Medical College of Peru (CMP), Ciro Maguiña, considered that it is probable that a second or third wave of coronavirus (COVID-19) will be registered in Peru, as has happened with other pandemics throughout history .

In ‘Latina News’, he recalled that the pandemic of influenza It killed 55 million people worldwide in 1918, after which successive outbreaks occurred in the following two years that claimed more human lives.

He also insisted that the Government should focus on “Win the population” in prevention for the second wave of COVID-19 and avoid repression, because with the application of the latter “We won nothing”.

Similarly, Maguiña emphasized that citizens must be thoroughly prepared to possibly reach December of this year “With fewer deaths” and fewer patients infected with the disease.

“We have lessons learned, we know how to prevent, how to face it. [Debemos] prepare the population so that we arrive –let us hope- at Christmas with fewer dead, less sick ”he expressed.

“If we do the repression, it will not work because by natural history we know that we will have a second or perhaps a third wave. 55 million died in the 18 flu. People said, ‘We have already won.’ On the 19th another wave killed more, and on the 20th it killed more. History hits us from time to time ”he added.

In this sense, Maguiña recommended the Executive to carry out informative campaigns in the media to raise awareness among the population about hygiene and protection measures to prevent massive contagion from COVID-19 in the coming months.

“You have to set the stage for the regrowth. It is worth it that the Government [tenga] more beds, more ICUs, more fans, but where do the lights come from? From the communities, from the districts ”he sentenced.

As recalled, the Government decided to extend the national state of emergency from July 1 to July 31, due to the serious circumstances that affect the life of the Nation as a result of the health crisis in the COVID-19.

In addition, it established a focused quarantine in seven regions of the country: Arequipa, Ica, Junín, Huánuco, San Martín, Madre de Dios and Áncash.

In these places, citizens may move only for the provision and access to essential services and goods, as well as for the provision of services of the economic activities that are authorized.

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