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Coronavirus | Peru gets ready to buy vaccines with the advice of the private sector | Political vaccine command

Negotiations are progressing for the Government to acquire vaccines against . From the private sector, the specialist in pharmaceutical industries and laboratories, , He announced that one of the laboratories working on the formula against COVID-19 has already had contact with the Peruvian Foreign Ministry to discuss the purchase processes. Pratto preferred not to specify which laboratory it is, but announced that soon there will be good news about the efforts that – according to what he said – are on the right track.

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Several members of the group () We are coordinating with government authorities. The Foreign Ministry is actively working on this and soon there will be concrete news that will be positive for Peru.“Said the engineer to Perú21.


On June 25, a multisectoral group from the which is tasked with exploring, managing and seeking financing for the purchase of the COVID-19 vaccine. The Minister of Health, , chairs the commission.

“The goal is for Peru to be among the first countries to obtain the vaccine,” he said at the first meeting with the team. But the country that, in effect, already has an agreement to buy the Oxford vaccine – which is in the last phase of testing – is Brazil.

No private sector expert is part of the team, despite the industry’s great logistics capabilities and connections. However, the contemplates the possibility of convening the participation of other actors from the public or private sector.

In this regard, Antonio Pratto said: “The Minsa has formed a working group as it should be. The important thing is that they are addressing the issue. Our role, that we are four private, is simply to help in what the Government needs and ask us for support”.

The functions of the multisectoral group, according to the resolution, are to formulate and propose guidelines and measures for the introduction of the new vaccine; In addition, advise the competent immunization bodies for the preparation of plans, feasibility of the intervention, define the age groups to intervene, manage and coordinate the financing for the acquisition of the formula against coronavirus.

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Minister Zamora reported that on the holiday today the same restrictions do not apply on Sundays, but the regular ones on a weekday.

Regarding interprovincial transport, the Health Minister indicated that they are working on protocols to reactivate the sector. He announced that planes and buses will be able to use 100% of their seats.

Zamora also stated on Canal N that this week the contracts between the SIS and the clinics will be signed. Faced with an eventual refusal from the health centers, the minister said: “We cannot force anyone to sign a contract. We would have to evaluate it in due course. ”

LOOK: This will be the interprovincial trips from July, according to the Minsa


– The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) in Brazil, the largest medical research center in Latin America and linked to the Rio de Janeiro Ministry of Health, will be responsible for the production of the vaccine in the neighboring country.

– The tests at the University of Oxford have been carried out on a group of Brazilians, a population that is one of the most affected in the world by COVID-19.


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