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Coronavirus patients feel irritated, confused and may suffer from PTSD, experts warn

They found that people with Covid-19 could have psychological problems both in the hospital and when they were recovering.

An analysis by University College London and King’s College London showed that one in four people hospitalized with the virus may experience delirium during their illness.

So far, NHS England in the UK has reported that more than 34,000 people have died from the corona virus, while figures from the Office for National Statistics indicate that the number is actually closer to 40,000.

Doctors previously emphasized that they saw patients with symptoms such as confusion and disorientation.

The new study suggests that symptoms such as delirium can increase the risk of death in patients and also extend hospital time.

Experts have compiled results from short- and long-term hospital patients with coronaviruses such as SARS and MERS as well as Covid-19.

The researchers examined 65 peer-reviewed studies that included data from more than 3,500 people.

They found that one in three people hospitalized with SARS or MERS developed PTSD.

This is while the rate of depression and anxiety in patients was also high, with 15 percent of patients experiencing it a year after the disease was overcome.

Another 15 percent had mood swings, difficulty concentrating and fatigue.

28% of hospitalized patients were confused, and the researchers said evidence of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic indicated that delirium could be just as common in Covid 19 patients.

The authors also found some preliminary evidence that delirium could be associated with increased mortality during the MERS outbreak.

Speaking to The Conversation, researchers said 20 percent or more of hospitalized patients with Covid-19 were confused and that outbreaks have subsequently been associated with a high rate of mental illness.

Delirium is a short condition, but they added that these patients would die in hospital twice as often and those who develop the disease could stay in the hospital a week longer.

This, in turn, would put more strain on the NHS and create problems when it comes to making beds available to more patients.

Research also showed that those who had more severe cases of the virus and those who had lost loved ones through the virus were also worse psychologically Conditions.

The main co-author Dr. Jonathan Rogers (UCL Psychiatry and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust) said: “Most people with Covid-19 will not develop mental health problems, even in people with severe cases that require hospitalization, but given the large number when people get sick global impact on mental health can be significant.

“Our analysis focuses on the potential mental health risks that coronavirus infections can pose in hospital and how psychiatric illnesses can worsen the prognosis or prevent people from returning to normal life after recovery.”

While Dr. Edward Chesney, the co-lead author, said that more research is needed to investigate how long-term mental health problems can be prevented.

Experts had previously discussed the effects of Covid-19 on health professionals, with some previously claiming they might have PTSD.

The investigation found that healthcare workers would have poorer mental health in the long run.

Lead author Professor Anthony David (UCL Mental Health Institute) said, “To avoid a major mental health crisis, we hope that people who have been hospitalized with Covid-19 will be offered support and monitored after their recovery, to make sure they do not develop mental illness and can access treatment when needed.

“While most people with Covid-19 will recover without mental illness, we need to examine what factors can contribute to permanent mental health problems and develop interventions to prevent and treat them.”

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