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Coronavirus pandemic: switch off the virus – Berlin

Several researchers worldwide are reporting their first small successes in the search for antibodies as a remedy for corona disease. For example, Dutch researchers in the journal “Nature Communications” report that they have produced a human antibody that can switch off the coronavirus in cell experiments. The antibody has the potential to prevent Covid-19 or at least to be used for treatment, the researchers write. However, it is still unclear whether the blockage also works in the human body. Antibodies derived from infected blood are already being tested in humans in several studies around the world, as the journal “Nature Biotechnology” writes.

There are artificially produced antibodies

Antibodies can also be produced separately. In addition to the Dutch, other groups also publish results on such antibodies, such as an international group in the journal “Cell”. In addition, groups from Israel and Germany reported minor successes. According to a team led by the Braunschweig virologist Luka Cicin-Sain, he found antibodies that could prevent the novel coronavirus from entering cells. The Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI), the Technical University of Braunschweig and the antibody company Yumab ​​have analyzed 6,000 different, artificially produced human antibodies. According to a report by the “Braunschweiger Zeitung”, more than 750 antibodies were found that bind to the coronavirus – a prerequisite for successfully fighting the pathogen. Cicin-Sain now wants to test the effectiveness of these selected antibodies in the HZI’s high-security laboratory on cell cultures that are exposed to the virus.

There are still no human tests

So far, the various research groups have only been able to demonstrate the principle effectiveness of antibodies against Sars-CoV-2 in the laboratory. This is a first step, but there are still no tests on animals or humans. There are many more steps required before using it as a medication. So far, it is also unclear how long direct administration of the antibodies can give protection. dpa

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