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Coronavirus pandemic: ++ seven-day incidence in double digits again ++


As of: 07/18/2021 6:02 a.m.

The RKI reports 1292 new corona cases. This increases the seven-day incidence to 10.0. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s head of government Schwesig is in favor of new benchmarks for assessing the corona situation. The developments in the live blog.

  • RKI reports 1292 new cases, the incidence rises to 10.0
  • Schwesig also for new “warning value”
  • Report: No mass vaccinations planned for teenagers in the UK
  • Altmaier rules out further lockdown
  • Netherlands and Greece now corona risk areas

6:02 am

Federal police were able to reduce overtime

The federal police officers were able to cut around half a million hours of overtime during the pandemic. As the Federal Police Presidium in Potsdam announced, the number of overtime hours fell from just under two million at the end of 2019 to just under 1.5 million on June 30 of this year. At the end of 2020, the number of overtime hours was slightly below 1.42 million.

According to the Presidium, the number of overtime hours relates to around 52,000 employees in the execution and administration. In purely mathematical terms, each employee then worked almost 29 hours of overtime.

Regarding the reasons for reducing overtime, the Presidium referred to a response from the Federal Ministry of the Interior to a parliamentary request from the FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag. In it, the ministry explains that the less busy times were used to reduce the overtime of the emergency services, among other things because of the lower volume of travel and the ban on spectators at games of the football Bundesliga. There are significantly fewer air travelers and practically no company of football fans in stations or trains.

5:10 am

IOC member tested positive on arrival in Tokyo

A member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) tested positive for the Olympic Games after arriving in Tokyo. “The IOC was informed of the positive Covid-19 test result of IOC member Ryu Seung-min after his arrival in Japan,” an IOC spokesman told Reuters. The former gold medal winner from South Korea is in an isolation facility.

04:36 am

Seven-day incidence back in double digits

The seven-day incidence in Germany has jumped to a double-digit value. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value on Sunday morning as 10.0 (previous day: 9.4 a week ago 6.2). Within one day, the health authorities in Germany reported 1292 new corona infections to the RKI. A week ago the value was 745 infections.

According to the new information, three deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were six dead. The RKI has counted 3,744,681 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher since many infections are not detected. The RKI stated the number of those who had recovered at 3,639,300. The number of people who died associated with proven Sars-CoV-2 infection rose to 91,362.

02:12 am

Schwesig also for new “warning value”

After the Rhineland-Palatinate head of government Malu Dreyer, the Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig, is pushing for a new “warning value” to assess the corona situation. “I expressly support the proposal that the federal and state governments agree on a new national warning value for the corona situation,” said the SPD politician in the newspapers of the Funke media group. “In the future, we must take greater account of vaccinations and hospital burdens.” Schwesig referred to the traffic light model applicable in her state, which takes into account the seven-day incidence, the number of Covid patients in the hospital and the utilization of the intensive care units.

Dreyer had previously called for a “new warning value” to assess the corona situation in Germany. With increasing vaccination rates, the seven-day incidence is much less informative today than it was six months ago. This incidence value indicates the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week. So far, it has been the basis for many corona restrictions during the pandemic, for example for the federal emergency brake that expired at the end of June. However, the federal government has already announced that further values ​​such as hospital admissions will be given greater consideration in the future.

1:36 am

Netherlands and Greece now corona risk areas

Due to the sharp rise in the number of corona infections, the Netherlands, Greece and parts of Denmark have been risk areas for the German authorities since midnight. According to the announcement from the Robert Koch Institute published on Friday, the Federal Foreign Office advises against tourist trips to these countries and regions.

For the Netherlands and the Danish capital region around Copenhagen, this also has practical consequences: Anyone who enters Germany by land from there and has not been vaccinated or recovered must take a corona test again. The Faroe Islands, which are part of the Kingdom of Denmark, are now also risk areas. The Netherlands is the first of Germany’s nine neighboring countries to be fully classified as a risk area again. Overseas territories belonging to the kingdom are excluded.

In Greece, the number of infections has recently risen since the government eased measures for nightlife and many young, as yet unvaccinated people go out to party. Anyone returning from vacation in Greece must either be tested, recovered or vaccinated.

01:01 am

Altmaier rules out further lockdown

Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) has ruled out a new lockdown. “We must and will prevent a new lockdown. It would be devastating for many shops and restaurants that have been closed for months,” said Altmaier of “Bild am Sonntag”. The minister currently sees no need for further measures. “As long as there is no threat of overloading the health system, there is no reason for new measures or even a lockdown.” Vaccinated or younger people usually have no symptoms at all in the event of an infection, and intensive care beds in Germany are far from their utilization limit.

July 17, 2021 • 11:37 pm

Report: No mass vaccinations planned for teenagers in the UK

In Great Britain, according to a media report, only previously ill children and adolescents should be vaccinated against Corona. The Telegraph reported that Britain had decided against mass vaccination of teenagers. According to this, only sick children between the ages of twelve and 15 and adolescents who are almost 18 years old should receive the corona vaccine. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) reportedly advised ministers against mass vaccination of all children until further data on possible risks were available. The British Ministry of Health announced that a decision had not yet been made.

July 17, 2021 • 3:00 a.m.

Live blog from Saturday for reading

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