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Coronavirus pandemic: ++ RKI: 2682 new corona infections ++


Status: 05/24/2021 6:21 a.m.

The seven-day incidence in Germany has fallen again. The Minister of Education wants to offer vaccinations to all pupils from the age of twelve as soon as possible. All developments in the live blog.

06:21 am

CDC is investigating cases of myocarditis

The US authorities are investigating several cases of myocarditis in young people in connection with a corona vaccination. There are a small number of cases in adolescents and young adults who were vaccinated with mRNA vaccines from BioNTech / Pfizer or Moderna, said the US health authority CDC. “Most cases appear to have been mild and a follow-up is ongoing.”

According to the authority, so-called myocarditis occurred more often in young men who had already been vaccinated for the second time. The authority did not disclose how many cases there are and how old the victims are.

05:22 am

RKI registered 2682 new corona infections

The health authorities in Germany reported 2,682 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. This is evident from the numbers from Monday morning, which reflect the status of the RKI dashboard at 5:13 a.m. For comparison: a week ago the value was 5412 infections. The RKI stated the 7-day incidence on Monday morning as 62.5 nationwide (previous day: 64.5; previous week: 83.1). On Sundays and public holidays, the number of cases reported by the RKI is usually lower, among other things because fewer tests are then carried out. According to the information, 43 new deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 64 dead.

4:02 am

Fully digital EU vaccination pass to prevent manipulation

The federal government and the federal states want to make millions of personal data from vaccinations that have already been carried out retrospectively fully digitally usable for a forgery-proof introduction of the Europe-wide EU vaccination certificate. For this purpose, the data protection provisions in the Infection Protection Act are to be changed and adapted at the state level, says the Bavarian state data protection officer Thomas Petri of the “Augsburger Allgemeine” according to the preliminary report. “In a new paragraph 5, a data protection basis is to be created for the processing of the personal data required for the generation of the Covid-19 vaccination certificate by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and for the transmission of this data to the RKI.” According to him, this would allow the vaccination data originally stored on the state level for emergencies such as liability issues to be decrypted and merged.

1:46 am

Söder: “” The coolest this year were the students “

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder has warned that the situation at the schools in the pandemic should be assessed too negatively. “We mustn’t persuade the students that they are a lost generation,” said the CSU boss to the newspapers of the Funke media group. “The coolest of this Corona year were the students – some teachers and parents’ associations seemed more nervous. For example, I don’t think the Abitur will be any worse this year.”

01:07 am

Karliczek calls for a timetable for vaccinations for children

Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek calls for a timetable for vaccinations for children and adolescents from the age of twelve in all federal states. The aim of this is to ensure that the children and young people can be offered a vaccination by the beginning of the next school year, the CDU politician told the newspapers of the “Funke Mediengruppe”. “I want schools to be able to start relatively normally again, especially after the summer holidays. It would be very helpful if as many pupils as possible were vaccinated.” According to the will of the minister, the vaccination summit of the federal and state governments should deal with the subject in the coming week. Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) had previously put corona vaccinations for schoolchildren in the room until the end of August. For this purpose, vaccination doses from the manufacturers Biontech and Pfizer would have to be reserved.

01:03 am

BDI calls for the end of the home office and blanket testing

The Federal Association of German Industry (BDI) calls for an end to the home office and blanket testing obligation in companies. “The progress made in vaccination in society and companies must be combined with a parallel return to normal business operations,” says a paper from the industry association to the federal government, from which the newspapers of the “Funke Mediengruppe” are published. The BDI is calling for a step-by-step plan that specifies how the corona protective measures imposed in companies can be reduced and abolished.

12:29 am

Greens: With free Interrail tickets for young people

The Greens are calling for help to alleviate the consequences of the pandemic for children and young people. Travel is “an important step into adult life for many young people,” says a position paper by parliamentary group chairman Katrin Göring-Eckardt and family politicians Ekin Deligöz and Maria Klein-Schmeink, from which the “editorial network Germany” reported in advance. The path to independence requires thinking outside the box. “Anyone who has turned 18 in the pandemic receives a free Interrail ticket to experience and experience Europe in accordance with corona,” demand Göring-Eckhardt and her colleagues. In addition, extra budgets for sports clubs and holiday vouchers for low-income families are to support.

12:29 am

Read the live blog from Sunday

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