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Coronavirus pandemic may end in spring, US says

Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases, expressed hope that the coronavirus pandemic will end in the spring of 2022. At the same time, he stressed that the coronavirus has repeatedly deceived specialists, so it is difficult to predict the timing of the end of the pandemic.

“I think we should all be very honest, open and humble. We do not know. This virus has tricked us many times in various waves around the world as a whole and in every single country, including the US and the UK. I hope this will happen next spring. of the year, “Fauci said.

At the same time, he noted that the coronavirus is a very disturbing experience that everyone went through, and added that as soon as everyone was waiting for the end of the pandemic, new strains of coronavirus appeared.

“In the United States, as we were getting closer to summer, we were cutting the number of cases every day, and then there was a big surprise in the form of the Delta strain, and it just knocked us out of the rut. And now we are back to 130-140 thousand cases a day. So I don’t want to make any hard predictions about what will happen next, ”added Fauci.

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