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Coronavirus pandemic: + Head of the Chancellery against “Freedom Day” in autumn +


Status: 19.09.2021 11:47 a.m.

Chancellery chief Braun rejects the KBV demand that all measures be lifted at the end of October. The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover and the organizers want to test the use of corona detection dogs at concerts. All developments in the live blog.

  • Incidence in Germany continues to fall
  • Spahn draws a positive balance of the vaccination week
  • Head of the Chancellery Braun against “Freedom Day” in autumn
  • General practitioners for vaccination against Covid and influenza on one appointment
  • Cyprus and Portugal are no longer high risk areas

12:30 pm

Patient advocate Brysch: incomprehension for KBV advance

The advance of the head of the health insurance fund, Andreas Gassen, to lift all corona restrictions on October 30th, causes incomprehension among the board of the German Foundation for Patient Protection, Eugen Brysch. “Freedom Day” to lift all corona restrictions is a great thing. But when you look into the doctor’s offices, hospitals and nursing homes, such brisk sayings don’t seem to be received, “he told the dpa news agency. Here, the restrictions for patients, those in need of care and relatives are omnipresent. “The associations of statutory health insurance physicians must first ensure that their suggestions reach the medical and nursing area.”

12:11 pm

Dreyer is in favor of the 3G rule

The Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, is in favor of the 3G rule. “We have no compulsory vaccination, so participation for non-vaccinated people must be conceivable in principle,” she tells the broadcaster Phoenix. However, the Prime Minister rejects continued payment of wages for non-vaccinated people: “We will end continued payment of wages for non-vaccinated people in quarantine as soon as it is clear in October that everyone has had the chance to be vaccinated.”

11:16 am

Report: Sharp Increase in Postal Voters in Large Cities

One week before the general election, a sharp increase in postal voters can already be observed, especially in the big cities. According to a survey by “Welt am Sonntag”, the cities of Frankfurt am Main and Bremen sent twice as many postal voting documents as at the same time before the last federal election. Frankfurt am Main has sent 160,500 postal voting documents so far – almost twice as many as in the 2017 election in the same period. In other large cities such as Bremen, Hamburg, Düsseldorf and Munich, significantly more people applied for postal votes.

11:06 am

Head of the Chancellery rejects “Freedom Day” in autumn

Chancellery chief Helge Braun rejects the lifting of all corona requirements by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians at the end of October. “I don’t think much of a ‘Freedom Day’ in autumn … at the moment,” he told Reuters. “Because there may well be another wave.” A good four million people have been infected to date, but 20 million have not yet received vaccination protection. “That shows how big a new wave can get in the worst case. We should only promise to lift the restrictions when the percentage of those who have been vaccinated has risen significantly, especially in the older age groups – that is, we achieve community immunity,” added Braun.

Braun spoke out against Reuters against a nationwide expansion of the 2G rules without necessity. He thinks the 2G regulation enabled by some federal states is correct when 3G is not enough to avoid infections. “But I am not in favor of a widespread introduction of 2G if this is not necessary due to the threat of overloading the healthcare system.”

09:02 am

Hanover: Corona detection dogs in action for the first time today at a concert

For the first time in Germany, corona detection dogs are supposed to make a series of concerts for a research project in Hanover safer in practice. The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) and the organizers want to test the use of corona detection dogs at four concerts. The concert series starts today on the Gilde-Parkbühne in Hanover. 500 spectators are admitted to the open-air event. All must present a negative test result. During the admission control, they also give sweat samples on cotton pads. Immediately afterwards, the trained corona detection dogs should smell it and recognize infected guests. At the first concert with 500 visitors, five to six dogs should be used.

The aim is to “steam down potential hazards” – and find out whether the use of dogs is an option, said Lower Saxony’s Minister of Science Björn Thümler. Holger Volk, head of the clinic for small animals at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, spoke of 26 studies worldwide, all of which had shown that dogs could sniff out corona infections.

8:27 am

DIHK: “The way out of the corona crisis is not a sure-fire success”

The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry has presented extensive proposals so that the economy can find its way back to old strength in times of the pandemic. “The way out of the crisis is not a sure-fire success,” says a paper that was available to the dpa news agency. “An important goal of the corona policy should be that the restrictions for the economy are reduced as far as possible while taking the remaining health risks into account.” DIHK President Peter Adrian said: “The corona pandemic is still a burden for the German economy: companies that were particularly affected by the lockdowns have not yet made up for their losses and are struggling with liquidity bottlenecks. At the same time, interrupted supply chains and price increases have an impact many companies look negative. “

Among other things, companies advocate nationwide, transparent corona regulations and digital solutions in order to maintain business operations in accordance with health protection. Targeted and quickly deployed funding instruments are important, if necessary, to enable companies to find their way out of the crisis.

04:29 am

7337 new infections reported – incidence continues to decline

The seven-day incidence fell for the sixth day in a row. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Sunday morning as 70.5. For comparison: the previous day the value was 72.0, a week ago it was 80.2.

The health authorities in Germany reported 7337 new corona infections within one day. A week ago the value was 7,345 infections. According to the new information, 38 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were eight deaths.

The number of corona patients admitted to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was given by the RKI on Friday as 1.89 (Wednesday: 1.87). A weekly or monthly comparison is not possible due to the high number of late registrations. A nationwide threshold value from when the situation can be viewed critically is not provided for the incidence of hospitalization, among other things because of large regional differences. The previous high was around 15.5 around Christmas time.

04:25 am

General practitioner association for simultaneous vaccination against Covid and influenza

The German Association of General Practitioners is open to a simultaneous vaccination against corona and flu at one appointment. “From a general practitioner’s point of view, two clear advantages speak in favor of administering the corona and influenza vaccinations as simultaneously as possible,” said Federal Chairman Ulrich Weigeldt of the dpa.

“On the one hand, there would otherwise be the risk that some patients would only perceive one of the two vaccinations.” Because they did not want to appear for several vaccination appointments in a row. “It would also be easier from an organizational point of view and at the same time reduce the possible risk of infection by avoiding an additional vaccination appointment,” Weigeldt continues.

Thomas Mertens, head of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO), recently considered a double vaccination to be harmless in an MDR interview. According to the Robert Koch Institute, there will be a general STIKO recommendation on the procedure in September. Even if the past influenza season was almost canceled due to the corona protective measures such as wearing masks and lockdown, the SRIKO advises risk groups to protect against influenza. For the elderly and chronically ill in particular, severe flu can lead to complications, including hospital stays and death.

02:47 am

Spahn: Vaccination week was a success

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn drew a positive balance of the week of action on vaccination against the corona virus. “In the week of action we managed a total of around 500,000 of the important first vaccinations, about half of which is likely to be due to actions,” said the CDU politician to the newspapers of the Funke media group. Associations, organizations, private initiatives and volunteers have set up around 1,500 vaccination campaigns nationwide. There may have been a lot more.

Spahn also expressed concern about the large group of unvaccinated people in the older population: “Of the 24 million people over the age of 60, almost four million are still unvaccinated, which is almost every sixth in this risk group,” said the minister. “If a large part of this group were to become infected with the highly contagious Delta variant within a few weeks, our intensive care units would come under very stress,” he warned.

1:43 am

Cyprus and Portugal are no longer high risk areas

From today on, Cyprus and the Portuguese Algarve are no longer corona high-risk areas. The federal government has removed the country and the Portuguese region from the list. This means that Portugal, which is also popular with holidaymakers, has now completely disappeared from this category. The West region in Ireland, Brazil, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and some African countries have also been removed from the list of high-risk areas. Armenia, Venezuela, Guyana, Belize, Moldova, Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda are newly classified as high-risk areas.

After staying in high-risk areas, the following applies: those returning to Germany who are not fully vaccinated or have recovered must be quarantined for ten days. But you can get rid of it after five days with a negative test.

As of today, the Algarve is no longer a high-risk corona area. The government has removed the country and the Portuguese region from the list.

Image: dpa

1:12 am

Fewer people at Corona demos in France

Significantly fewer participants than the weekend before took to the streets against the Corona measures on Saturday in France. According to the Interior Ministry, around 80,000 people demonstrated across the country, more than 6,000 of them in Paris. A week earlier, the number of demonstrators had been 121,000.

The weekly protests are directed against the compulsory corona vaccination for employees in the health sector as well as against the regulation known as the health pass, according to which proof of a full corona vaccination, a recovery from Covid-19 or one for access to numerous public places, similar to Germany negative corona tests must be presented.

3:20 am

The live blog from Saturday to read

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