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Coronavirus pandemic: ++ counties: expand vaccination in children ++


Status: 23.10.2021 6:00 p.m.

The counties in Germany urge vaccinations for children under the age of twelve to be promoted as soon as a vaccine is approved. Russia reports a new high in new infections and deaths. The developments in the live blog.

  • Russia reports a new high
  • London rules out lockdown
  • Health insurance chief for the end of the state of emergency
  • According to the RKI, more than 15,000 new infections
  • Austria is considering lockdown for unvaccinated people
  • Company medical association: 1.5 million vaccinations not reported

5:29 pm

Counties for expanding vaccination in children

The districts in Germany have spoken out in favor of expanding corona vaccinations for children. The immunization of children and adolescents should compensate for that part of the vaccinations that are missing “due to unwillingly unwilling adults” on the way to achieving herd immunity, said the President of the German District Assembly, Reinhard Sager, to the newspapers of the Funke media group.

As soon as a vaccine for children under the age of twelve is approved, these vaccinations should also be promoted with great force, according to Sager. This gives “overall greater leeway for a social and economic life like before the pandemic”.

3:14 pm

Spahn: Normal condition at the earliest in spring

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn continues to advise caution in view of the rising corona numbers. “It is now a state of particular caution,” said Spahn on the sidelines of the North Rhine-Westphalian CDU’s party conference in Bielefeld. “We must continue to exercise caution in everyday life. A normal state will only be possible in spring at the earliest, if no new variant comes.”

Spahn had proposed ending the establishment of an epidemic situation of national concern. But he does not want this to be understood as an invitation to be careless. “It was always clear that protective measures would still be needed for this autumn and winter. At the same time, thanks to the vaccination progress, we can end the state of emergency of the epidemic situation after 19 months.” Precautions like 3G and the wearing of masks would need to be maintained.

2:02 pm

More than 100 million vaccine doses administered in Pakistan

In Pakistan, 100 million corona vaccine doses have been administered since the vaccination campaign began in February. This was announced by the Ministry of Health. More than 38 million people in the country of around 220 million people are considered fully vaccinated.

The government’s efforts were initially made more difficult by delivery problems and vaccine skepticism, which is often triggered by incorrect information about vaccines. The vaccination campaign picked up speed after the authorities imposed strict requirements. Since the beginning of October, unvaccinated people are no longer allowed to take the train or go to shopping centers or restaurants.

1:31 pm

Russia reports new highs in deaths and new infections

Russia has once again recorded a high in the daily number of corona deaths. According to the government, 1,075 people died as a result of the virus disease within 24 hours. The country also registered a new high among new infections: 37,678 infections were reported today.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 229,528 deaths have officially been counted in Russia – this is the highest number in Europe. However, the statistics agency Rosstat regularly names significantly higher numbers: According to its information, more than 400,000 people in Russia had died of Covid-19 by the end of August.

12:47 pm

Patient advocates call for daily tests in homes

The German Foundation for Patient Protection demands daily corona tests in old people’s homes and hospitals. In the area of ​​elderly and sick people, the highest death rates are currently being found again, although these people have been vaccinated twice, said the chairman of the foundation, Eugen Brysch, in the WDR. A “concerted action, namely to look at vaccination and testing together” is necessary. One should not be played off against the other.

To keep the coronavirus out of homes and hospitals in winter, daily testing is the only way, said Brysch.

12:17 pm

UN Rapporteur: North Korea is more isolated than ever

According to the assessment of a UN special rapporteur, North Korea has sealed itself off internationally as never before. This is the result of drastic measures to protect against the pandemic, said the special rapporteur for the country, Tomás Ojea Quintana, before the human rights committee of the UN General Assembly. North Korea has closed its borders to prevent the coronavirus from spreading.

The broken ties abroad would have a dramatic impact on human rights in the country. Ojea Quintana said the people of North Korea are facing food shortages and the collapse of their livelihoods. Children and the elderly are at risk of starvation.

11:51 a.m.

British government rules out another lockdown

Despite the rapidly increasing corona numbers, the British government has ruled out a new lockdown. “Thanks to the vaccines, we are in a very different situation than a year ago,” said British Treasury Secretary Rishi Sunak in an interview with the Times. There are a number of possible measures against the spread of the virus in winter, “but these options do not include lockdowns or other significant economic restrictions.”

In the event of the corona situation in England worsening, the government is planning a so-called Plan B, which, however, only includes shallow measures such as the reintroduction of the mask requirement or the recommendation to work from home again. Despite the recent 50,000 new infections per day and a sharp increase in deaths, the London government does not yet want to implement Plan B itself. Since mid-July there have been virtually no corona measures in England.

11:03 a.m.

Romania adopts night curfew

The Romanian government wants to contain the latest corona wave with new lockdown measures. There is a nightly curfew nationwide starting Monday and a health pass is required for most public events. School children have two weeks vacation.

Romania reported record numbers of infections and deaths this month. The hospitals are working at the limit of their capacity. The country has the second lowest vaccination rate in the European Union.

1:28 p.m.

KBV boss Gassen for the end of the state of emergency

The head of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Andreas Gassen, supports the plans of Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) for an early end to the state of emergency. The announcement of Spahn to let the epidemic situation of national consequences run out is “ultimately logical”, said the alleys of the Düsseldorf “Rheinische Post”.

That does not mean the immediate end of all measures. There will be regionally different approaches, “which of course also depend on regional factors such as vaccination rates, numbers of infections, age distribution and hospital occupancy,” explained Gassen. Gassen said it was to be expected that infection rates would rise in autumn and winter and not only with coronaviruses. “At a certain point and with a sufficient lead time, we can move on to placing the necessary protective and defensive measures in the hands of the citizens,” said Gassen.

The chairman of the board of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Andreas Gassen, considers Spahn’s decision to be “ultimately logical”.


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10:59 a.m.

Reuters: More than 102,000 new infections in the US

Health authorities in the USA registered 102,598 new infections with the corona virus within one day, according to the Reuters news agency, citing official data. Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 45.4 million people in the United States have become infected with the pathogen. The number of Covid-19-related deaths rose by 3,220 within 24 hours to a total of 738,256 cases.

8:11 am

More than 200,000 corona deaths in Peru

Since the pandemic broke out in Peru, 200,003 people have died in the country after they were known to be infected with the coronavirus. Peru has the highest per capita corona death rate in the world.

According to figures from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, a total of almost 2.2 million people in the country have become infected with the pathogen.

07:36 am

Baden-Württemberg: With the wrong vaccination certificate for the certificate

According to the State Office of Criminal Investigation in Baden-Württemberg, more than 100 cases have been reported in the state in which people try to obtain the digital vaccination certificate in pharmacies with a forged vaccination pass. Compared to the SWR The state pharmacists’ association also criticized the inadequate forgery-proof vaccination passports.

07:20 am

Around 1.5 million vaccinations not reported?

The Association of German Company and Company Doctors estimates that around 1.5 million corona vaccinations were not reported in Germany for the time being. How many vaccinations this affects is unclear, said the association’s vice-president Anette Wahl-Wachendorf to the editorial network in Germany. Most of the officially known vaccinations were received through the system of statutory health insurance doctors.

The Robert Koch Institute had also already admitted that nationwide more people were vaccinated against Covid-19 than initially assumed – also on the grounds that probably not all vaccinations were reported and were therefore included in the official statistics.

4:52 am

RKI reports 15,145 new infections – the incidence rises to 100

The Robert Koch Institute reports 15,145 new infections within one day. That is 4,196 cases more than 10,949 were reported on Saturday a week ago.

The seven-day incidence increases to 100.0 from 95.1 the previous day. The value indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants have been infected with the corona virus in the past seven days. 86 other people died related to the virus. This increases the number of reported deaths to 95,077 within 24 hours.

In total, more than 4.45 million corona tests have so far been positive in Germany.

4:52 am

Austria announces possible lockdown for unvaccinated people

The Austrian government has decided to tighten the corona measures for unvaccinated people. If more than 600 intensive care beds are occupied by corona patients, exit restrictions for people without vaccination protection will be introduced in the future, as the government announced, according to the APA news agency. They are then only allowed to leave their apartments in exceptional cases.

According to the information, all who cannot be vaccinated, such as children under twelve years of age, are excluded from this. “We are about to stumble into a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” said Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg, according to the APA. This must be prevented. The Chancellor ruled out a new lockdown for those vaccinated and recovered.

4:52 am

Read the live blog from Friday

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