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Coronavirus: Over 7600 deaths in Germany, drosten on conspiracy theories

Berlin. The most important news of the day:

  • According to our research, more than 172,800 coronavirus infections have been reported in Germany so far – over 7670 patients died of Covid 19 disease
  • The reproduction number is currently 0.94
  • Chancellor Merkel once again calls on the Germans to exercise caution when dealing with the corona virus – and criticizes corona tests of courage
  • Russia is now the country with the second most corona infections in the world: after the United States and before Spain
  • The Robert Koch Institute explains the last increase in the number of reproductions
  • In Germany, 147.00 people with Covid-19 are healthy again

Further easing of the corona measures came into force on Monday. At the same time, the Robert Koch Institute warned the Germans on Tuesday that the existing measures were too loose – Chancellor Merkel had made a similar statement on Monday.

Over the weekend, several hundred people protested against federal and state measures – right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists also took part in the demos. The Berlin virologist Drosten responds to conspiracy theories.

Coronavirus News Ticker: All current information about the pandemic

In the Federal Republic of Germany, more than 172,000 people are infected with the coronavirus, and over 7,600 people died after an illness with the lung disease Covid-19.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020: Drosten warns of conspiracy theories – Wuhan wants to test the entire population

9:23 pm: The situation on the market for medical masks has changed, according to the Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) relaxed. The procurement started laboriously, the CDU politician said in an interview with “Zeit” on Tuesday evening. “In the meantime, however, we have managed to procure so much that the first statutory health insurance associations and countries tell me” the farm is full, stop deliveries “”. It was even more difficult four weeks ago, said Spahn.

Clinics, medical practices and care facilities had criticized that the corona crisis was not sufficient protective gear are available for the employees. The federal government then decided to procure masks, among other things, centrally. In the interview, Spahn campaigned for understanding: “Should we have bought masks earlier? Yes! I actively decided against buying masks, no! “, He explained. At the time it should have been done, the subject was not conscious. “In retrospect, you are smarter.”

With a view to the much-discussed countermeasures and Restrictions To curb the coronavirus, which are now being gradually loosened, Spahn said: “It will certainly not always have been the right decision afterwards.” At the same time, however, they were always made to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Reproduction number drops again to 0.94

8.02pm: Because of the slump in sales in the Corona crisis Volkswagen sometimes shut down work after the recent restart. At the main plant in Wolfsburg, the production of the small SUV Tiguan as well as the Touran and the Seat Tarraco will soon be completely stopped over four days. This applies on Friday (May 15th) as well as on May 20th, 25th and 29th, it said on Tuesday evening from corporate circles. The new Golf 8 is also affected, but here only individual shifts will be omitted on the days mentioned. In addition, the possibility of short-time work should be extended to at least the period from May 18 to 31. The option was registered with the employment agency by the end of June.

7.44 p.m .: Loud RKI the so-called reproduction number has dropped below the critical value of 1 again. As of Tuesday, it is included 0.94 as the institute announced. “The estimated number of reproductions has been slightly above 1 in the past few days. This shows that the decrease in the number of new cases that we have observed in the past few weeks has flattened and may have reached a plateau.”

The experts have not yet anticipated a further upward trend. The weakening of the decline in new cases is also related to local clustering, for example in the vicinity of slaughterhouses.

Federal cabinet advises on Wednesday about border openings

7.18 p.m .: On Wednesday, the Federal Cabinet will discuss how to proceed with controls at the borders with neighboring countries after May 15. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had hope for a gradual move at a conference of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group on Tuesday Opening the borders made. There will often be a two-stage process, she said, according to information from the German Press Agency. It is important to her that the controls are not continued “until the end of the year”.

The controls at the borders with the neighboring countries Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and Denmark are until May 15th limited. Only those who have an important reason can enter the country. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) wants to announce before Friday how things will continue from the weekend.

The EU Commission also wants a cautious plan on Wednesday Opening internal borders submit in Europe. According to one of the dpa draft, the controls should be gradually removed. In the paper, the Commission emphasizes the importance of free travel – for the travel industry, which has been hard hit by the pandemic, but also for citizens. If it is coordinated and done safely, the coming months could give Europeans much-needed recovery.

4.44 p.m .: In children infected with the coronavirus, symptoms similar to those of the Kawasaki syndrome resemble. Cases have also been reported in Germany. Read here how it works Kawasaki syndrome states in which countries cases have been observed and whether it is also dangerous for adults.

Rise of coronavirus infections in Wuhan – population is being tested

4:12 p.m .: In view of new Corona cases in the Chinese metropolis Wuhan the local authorities ordered the entire population to be tested. As Chinese media reported on Tuesday, each of the 13 boroughs now has ten days to initiate testing of the total of eleven million residents. The time span in which all eleven million residents should be tested remained initially open.

Sunday and Monday were in Wuhan for the first time in a month six new infections has been registered with the novel corona virus. The infected are elderly residents of a residential complex in the Dongxihu district.

In the central Chinese industrial metropolis of Wuhan, this became the end of 2019 Novel corona virus was first detected in humans. To curb the virus, authorities quarantined the entire city for more than two months. Since the curfew was lifted a good four weeks ago, Wuhan has actually been considered a “low-risk” area. In the affected neighborhood, however, the infection risk level has now been raised from “low” to “medium”.

Wuhan had 3869 corona deaths, by far the largest proportion of deaths across China. The authorities officially assume that the pandemic in the country is largely under control. However, precautions are also taken to guard against a second wave of infections.

Virologist Drosten warns of conspiracy theories

3.34 p.m .: The chief of virology at the Berlin Charitè, Christian Drosten, has warned against conspiracy videos on the Internet. The content of the corona virus, which is sometimes even distributed by professors from other fields, is often “full of nonsense and false claims”. The echo of the conspiracy theories he himself would now feel, said Drosten in the NDR podcast published on Tuesday.

It is important to find out whether the supposed expert is actually one. If this comes from another department, ultimately none scientific work on viruses published or the community of experts in Germany and internationally does not recognize him, “then you should stay away from it,” warns Drosten. Much of it is also simply opinion. You can find out more about Christian Drosten’s podcast here.

3.30 p.m .: Now we are starting our new blog about the coronavirus crisis. Learn more about the developments of the past few days Here in our last news ticker on the Corona location.

Find out more about the coronavirus pandemic in Germany and around the world here:

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