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Coronavirus, over 10 thousand infections in Italy. 631 dead, 168 in one day

Rome, 10 March 2020 – 8,514 people suffer from Coronavirus in Italy, 529 more than yesterday, while the total number of infected people – including the victims and the recovered – exceeded ten thousand: 10,149. The numbers from Lombardy arrived today, however, are currently partial. The data was provided by the emergency commissioner Angelo Borrelli at a press conference to the Civil Protection. The a total of 631 victims: 168 compared to yesterday. 1,004 people were healed. “Of the total infected, 5,038 are hospitalized with symptoms, 2,599 in home isolation and 877 people in intensive care equal to 10% positive,” said Borrelli.

The data region by region

The death toll has risen to 468 Lombardy, the councilor for Welfare of Lombardy Giulio Gallera in a press conference underlining that it is 135 more than yesterday “a large number”. In all the positives are 5,791 (but with many swabs still on the way), 3,319 hospitalizations not in intensive care (+505), 466 in intensive care (+26) and 896 discharged.

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In Emilia Romagna there are 1,533 cases of positivity (147 more than yesterday), 86 dead (16 more), 31 people recovered today. deceased today the municipal councilor of Piacenza Nelio Pavesi of the League. The 68-year-old politician had been hospitalized for a few days for coronavirus.

Marche, 71 other infections and 6 dead

In detail the people currently positive there are 4,427 in Lombardy, 1,417 in Emilia Romagna, 783 in Veneto, 436 in Piedmont, 381 in the Marche, 260 in Tuscany, 99 in Lazio, 126 in Campania, 128 in Liguria, 110 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, 60 in Sicily, 55 in Puglia, 50 in the autonomous Province of Trento, 37 in Abruzzo, 37 in Umbria, 15 in Molise, 20 in Sardinia, 17 in Valle d’Aosta, 11 in Calabria, 38 in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and 7 in Basilicata.

The data province by province

“The data updated yesterday show that 5-7% of people who have contracted coronavirus are under the age of 30. This confirms that these age groups are less susceptible than older ones, but also that their behavior is decisive in the dynamics of infection control, “explained the president of ISS Silvio Brusaferro.

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