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Coronavirus – Omicron variant: the USA closes its borders to travelers from 8 African countries

United States President Joe Biden announced Friday the closure of American borders, starting Monday, to travelers from eight countries in southern Africa in response to the appearance of the Omicron variant of the Covid-19. on American soil will be prohibited to people coming from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique and Malawi, said a senior American official. Only US nationals and permanent residents of the United States will be allowed to enter the country, he added. This is a “precautionary measure pending further information” about the “Omicron variant, which is spreading across southern Africa,” Joe Biden said in a statement. This decision, in the wake of similar measures announced in particular by European countries, comes at a time when US President Joe Biden had just reopened the borders to travelers from all over the world in early November, provided they are vaccinated against Covid, after 20 months of restrictions. The American president also estimated that the appearance of the Omicron variant should encourage the rest of the world to give more vaccines to poorer countries. “The information on this new variant should make it more evident than ever that this pandemic will not end without vaccinations globally. The United States has already given more vaccines to other countries than all the other countries combined. It is time for other countries to do as much as America in terms of speed and generosity, “wrote the US president. (Belga)

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