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Coronavirus NRW: 648 cases – cancellation of major events

Article updated on March 11th at 8:39 am – Even more cases of illness in NRW: The number of corona infections has risen to 648. NRW now wants to pull the ripcord with a decree for major events.

Events with more than 1000 participants are now prohibited and may not take place. Messe Dortmund is also taking consequences and postponing several trade fairs.

Current status from March 11, 2020:

  • Coronavirus cases increase to 648
  • Messe Dortmund postpones three trade fairs for late summer and autumn
  • State government: Basically cancel major events in NRW
  • The number increases to 579 reported cases
  • Corona in Cologne: NRW cancels major events (read more here)
  • Corona patient from Essen describes everyday quarantine
  • Two corona deaths in NRW
  • Woman from Essen (89) died
  • A person from Heinsberg died
  • NRW: A total of 515 corona infections
  • Laumann: Derby between 1.FC Cologne and Borussia Mönchengladbach should not take place in front of an audience
  • Laschet: Will implement recommendations for major events in NRW
  • Almost 500 infected people in NRW
  • Health Minister Jens Spahn advises against traveling to high-risk areas – for the politician this also includes NRW
  • For the first time, a person in Recklinghausen district was infected – it is a woman
  • Over 200 students still in quarantine
  • All current information about the corona virus in the Cologne area
  • All current information about the corona virus in the Düsseldorf area
  • All current information about the corona virus in the Bonn area

Update of March 11: Even more corona cases in NRW: major events are canceled – Messe Dortmund is taking consequences

According to the NRW Ministry of Health, 648 cases of illness have now been reported. The number of Corona cases healed has not yet been recorded.

Major events are consequently canceled after the state government decrees.

Dortmund also has consequences. Messe Dortmund has postponed several spring events for months because of the corona virus.

This affects, among other things, the creative fair “Creativa”, the “Cake Dreams”, the “Bau! Messe! NRW!” And the “Auto-Welt Dortmund”, which should all have taken place in March.

The fair dates have been postponed to dates in August and October, as the fair organizers announced. “Tickets that have already been purchased remain valid,” says Messe Dortmund management.

Update of March 10: State government: Basically cancel major events in NRW

Because of the corona virus, major events with more than 1,000 people in North Rhine-Westphalia should generally be canceled – or take place without spectators. This is envisaged in a decree passed on Tuesday by the state government with corresponding instructions to the municipalities.

Accordingly, large trade fairs, congresses, concerts or sporting events should initially be canceled. According to the current state of knowledge, there are no protective measures that would require less intervention with the same effectiveness, explained NRW Minister of Health Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU).

It was necessary to think carefully about what could be dispensed with. School classes or local public transport are essential in order not to paralyze social life.

The local government is responsible for implementing the decree, the state government said. Those responsible in the municipalities could cancel events, order a cancellation from the organizer, postpone the planned event or have it carried out without a spectator.

Several major events are currently pending in NRW: concerts in the rock band AnnenMayKantereit, by musician James Blunt and by old star Carlos Santana are planned for the next two weeks in Cologne’s Lanxess Arena alone. The arena can accommodate up to 20,000 people.

To curb corona infections, local authorities can also cancel events with fewer than 1,000 people if there are particular risks. The decree also expressly points this out.

Such an individual assessment of protective measures according to the requirements of the Robert Koch Institute has also been possible to date. Risks could include the composition of the participants, the intensity of the contacts or structural conditions.

Update from March 10: Patient from Essen gives insights into life with coronavirus

Patient Svea S. (26) describes her everyday life with the coronavirus to the WAZ. She watches TV series and is bored because she is not allowed to speak to anyone. “Every day is a struggle,” she told the news portal. Her sister brings her groceries every day, which she places on her doorstep. She can’t talk to her.

Sveas S. can’t even bring the garbage out of the house himself. The patient is said to have been infected by her boss as a nurse, but has not yet suffered from severe physical symptoms.

The corona patient further explains that the authorities are overwhelmed by the current situation and believes “that the system will explode” if there are far more corona cases in the near future.

Update of March 9: woman from Essen (89) dies of coronavirus – two deaths confirmed in NRW

  • The first two deaths in NRW have been confirmed. The circle Heinsberg and the city of Essen confirmed the death of two people on Monday afternoon.
  • In Essen, an 89-year-old woman died from the corona virus, the virus was found in Essen on Tuesday. The woman had previously been brought to Essen University Hospital in critical condition. At 12.44 p.m. she died of pneumonia as a result of the infection, a spokeswoman for the city of Essen said.
  • The second fatality, a 78-year-old man from Gangelt (Keis Heinsberg), had died of heart failure a good hour later, as the Heinsberg district administrator Stephan Pusch said. The man reported to a hospital in Geilenkirchen. He had suffered from previous illnesses such as heart problems and diabetes.
  • The number of confirmed coronavirus infections is now up 515 increased in NRW.
  • Due to the latest developments in coronavirus in NRW, Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann expects this to be announced on Wednesday Rheinderby between Borussia Mönchengladbach and 1. FC Köln does not take place in front of an audience. “Whether they play without an audience or not, the club has to decide, not me,” said Laumann on Sunday evening on the ARD talk show “Anne Will”. With his recommendation, NRW Minister of Health Laumann (CDU) wants to comply with the request of Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn. Laumann continued to say that North Rhine-Westphalia wanted to implement the recommendation of Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) – “tomorrow or now, absolutely clearly”.

Update from March 8: 500 infected people – Spahn advises against traveling to NRW

  • According to the Ministry of Health, there is now officially in NRW 484 infectedwho were infected with COVID-19 (as of 11:30 a.m.). This makes NRW the state that experiences the most cases.
  • Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) has called on citizens to avoid corona risk areas. this now probably also includes NRW. Spahn should now refrain from unnecessary trips to particularly affected regions in Italy, but also in North Rhine-Westphalia, at a meeting of the EU health ministers.
  • in the Recklinghausen district there was now the first case of infection: a woman from Dorsten has tested positive for the virus. According to the Recklinghausen district, the woman is “in domestic quarantine”. The “Dorstener Zeitung” reported that the person concerned is an employee of the Volksbank. She works in customer service.

Update from March 7th: NRW students in quarantine after school trip

  • To From the School trip directly to quarantine: More than 200 schoolchildren from Münster and Gelsenkirchen had to go into seclusion for two weeks after returning from South Tyrol due to possible coronavirus infections. In Münster, three schools were affected, the city reported on March 7. In Gelsenkirchen, twelve students and four accompanying persons have to bow to the order of the health department. According to the Ruhr area city, slight symptoms were found in five girls and boys in the first tests. Six suspected cases were identified in Münster. The investigation should continue. South Tyrol is considered a coronavirus risk area.
  • The town Dortmund announced officially that there are now 2 new infected people. This brings the total number of people affected in Dortmund to four.

Update of March 6: NRW entices truck driving ban on Sundays and public holidays

The truck driving ban on Sundays and public holidays has been relaxed in North Rhine-Westphalia due to the significantly increased demand in supermarkets and drugstores in the wake of the corona crisis. For the time being, no exemption for trucks is required within the federal state to supply the retail trade with durable food and hygiene articles, as is apparent from a decree by the NRW Ministry of Transport. This regulation, which applies to the so-called dry range in retail, applies from now until May 30, 2020. To guarantee the availability of the full range of the range at all times, efficient supply chains are necessary, it was said in a circular to the authorities on Thursday . This is the first time that the loosening is effective this Sunday for trucks that want to transport such goods to the trading companies, as a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Transport explained.

Update of March 5: No award ceremony for restaurant in Essen

The “Hannappel” restaurant in Essen has received a star from the “Guide Michelin” for the first time. However, the operators could not receive this award properly. The gala where the award ceremony was to take place was canceled due to the corona virus. However, the Hannappel employees could still be there live via Facebook (read more here).

Update of March 4: Coronavirus – NRW buys a million protective masks

  • No suspected cases more: According to a decree by the NRW Ministry of Health to the mayors, mayors, district administrators and lower health authorities, “only confirmed infections according to the case definition of the Robert Koch Institute (positive laboratory diagnostic evidence)” may be mentioned in press releases.
  • All over North Rhine-Westphalia, doctors complain about scarce protective clothing and overload. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has now reacted and is buying one million Protective masks. The purchase contract will be signed on Wednesday (March 4th), as health minister Karl-Josef Laumann announced. The masks should “get” local health offices quickly. Protective clothing was also organized for the Heinsberg focal point, including 7,000 respiratory masks and 3,000 protective suits. He was “very annoyed” that the medical staff was worried about the lack of protective equipment. This concern is with the bulk order off the table.
  • The NRW Minister of Health also urgently asked those affected to contact the coronavirus with questions Info hotline 116117 to relieve the general practitioners.

Update from March 2nd: There is a special isolation station in Essen

Essen has its own clinic for rare and contagious diseases within the university clinic. The isolation station makes great efforts for patients with highly contagious diseases. The clinic has two stations. There are 35 beds in total. For patients with highly infectious diseases, there are 13 very special patient rooms in the two wards, in which there is permanent negative pressure.

Ward manager Canan Emcan remains relaxed about the spread of the corona virus (read more here). “We are well prepared, there is no panic,” says senior physician Sebastian Dolff about the corona virus.

Update from March 1st: First confirmed coronavirus infection in Essen

In Essen there was the first confirmed infection with the virus on March 1st. It was a woman from Kettwig who had celebrated carnival in the Heinsberg district (read more here). The victim was put in quarantine.

Update from February 29: Two new cases in Duisburg

It was announced in Duisburg on March 29, 2020 that there were two new infections. Two young women were affected. Both were tested positive by the medical team for the Sars CoV-2 pathogen. (sp / dok)

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