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Coronavirus: no new deaths in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, a first in two months

Health check, containment …: find information on the coronavirus epidemic and its direct consequences in Nièvre and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

This article will be updated regularly, in order to share the most exhaustive information possible on the subject.

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The situation is stabilizing in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

In Burgundy-Franche-Comté, the situation is stabilizing, both in terms of the number of people hospitalized (810, against 811 the day before) as that of patients in intensive care (94), notes the regional health agency in its press release on Sunday, May 17. No new deaths have been recorded since the previous day in hospitals: this had not happened since March 16. Since the start of the crisis, there have been 959 in total; 2,977 people were discharged from hospital.

On the day of May 16, 1,562 new results of screening tests were recorded: 13 were found to be positive, in 6 departments out of the 8 in the Region. Nièvre, where 157 tests were carried out, and Territoire de Belfort are the two departments with no positive result.

“Cough, fever, fatigue, runny nose, loss of taste or smell …: it is everyone’s responsibility to watch for signs of Covid-19 and to contact them as soon as possible. symptoms, with his attending physician who, if he confirms that these symptoms are suggestive of covid19, will order a screening test, recalls the ARS.

Covid-19 tests: Nevers laboratories ready to face deconfinement

Data concerning deaths in medico-social establishments are not communicated daily.

In the Nièvre, more precisely in the regional hospital grouping (GHT, grouping all the Nivernais hospitals except that of Clamecy), no new death is to be deplored Friday May 15 (22 since the beginning of the crisis), announced, Denis Thuriot mayor of Nevers and president of the supervisory board of the hospital of Nevers and of the committee of elected officials of the GHT, in his daily update (no assessment will be proposed during the weekend, announced the elected official).

A new patient was placed in intensive care. According to Denis Thuriot, this is not a Covid-19 positive case proven for the moment, but a suspicion. The number of hospitalizations now amounts to 24: 3 patients in intensive care and 21 in the Colbert follow-up care and rehabilitation center in the Covid-19 sector.

The number of people tested positive in the context of GHT has not changed: it is still 277, despite 17 new tests carried out (1,877 in all). An “encouraging” stabilization according to Denis Thuriot.

The total number of health professionals positive for the disease is still 103, of which 79 are cured. Two hundred and five people in total are healed.

Why is Nièvre placed in the “red” departments?

Deaths in hospitals in the Nièvre:

  • 71-year-old Nevers woman announced May 11
  • 87-year-old man from La Charité-sur-Loire, announced on May 6
  • 79-year-old Nevers man announced May 2
  • 69-year-old Nevers woman announced April 22
  • 76-year-old woman from Nevers announced on April 21
  • a 59 year old man living in Treigny (Yonne) announced on April 19
  • a 61-year-old man from Saint-Benin-d’Azy, an 87-year-old man from the long-term care unit (USLD) in Nevers and a 90-year-old man from Prémery, announced on April 18
  • 92-year-old Nevers man announced April 16
  • a 91 year old woman living in Varennes-Vauzelles, a 92 year old woman living in Nevers and an 84 year old man living in Saint-Père, announced on April 14
  • 72-year-old Nevers man and 92-year-old Nevers woman announced April 13
  • 90-year-old Nevers man announced April 10
  • 64-year-old man from La Machine announced on April 7
  • an 89-year-old man living in Cosne-sur-Loire, announced on April 3
  • a 70-year-old man living in Marzy, who was in intensive care at the hospital in Nevers, announced on April 2
  • 90-year-old Nevers man announced April 1
  • a 92-year-old man living in Varennes-Vauzelles and a 90-year-old woman living in Dornes, announced on March 31.

Clamecy hospital is part of a group with Auxerre, Tonnerre and Avallon, in Yonne. “This is a so-called third-line hospital in the fight against the coronavirus,” explains Claudine Boisorieux, former mayor of Clamecy and still president of the hospital’s supervisory board, while waiting for her successor, Nicolas Bourdoune, take office. “It can accommodate patients who require medical supervision but does not have an intensive care unit for the most serious cases”.

The Clamecycois hospital thus has six beds dedicated to welcoming people affected by the epidemic. If the condition of these patients worsens and requires resuscitation, they are transferred to Auxerre or Nevers, depending on the places available. No death from the coronavirus was deplored in the upper Nivernais.


That’s it ! After nearly two months of confinement, the time is up for deconfinement from Monday, May 11 throughout France. The Nièvre, classified red, must, like other departments, comply with a certain number of adaptations, authorizations, tolerances and prohibitions:

  • the walk is again possible on the banks of the Loire and the canals, in addition to fishing, from this Monday. The Nivernais lakes will nevertheless remain inaccessible to the public;
  • individual outdoor sports can be practiced without time limit; without certificate; within a home distance limit of less than 100 km; limiting gatherings to a maximum of 10 people; outdoors only. Individual indoor sports (gymnasiums, swimming pools, etc.) remain prohibited, as well as team and contact sports, even outdoors;
  • schools are scheduled to reopen Thursday, May 14; colleges and high schools remain closed;
  • in the agglomeration of Nevers, the Taneo network regains 75% of its activity, as well as all of the services on Sundays and evenings. On the other hand, the courinelle does not resume immediately. The wearing of a mask is compulsory on buses;
  • reopening of media libraries, libraries, small museums and monuments, cemeteries, places of worship (but no ceremony is authorized before June 2, except for funerals up to the limit of 20 people);
  • cinemas, concert halls, party halls, multipurpose halls are still closed.

Eighty-seven percent of schools have reopened in the Dijon academy, 7% will have a delayed start of school, 6% are closed for the longest term. “But 95% of the schools will be open at the beginning of June,” announced the president on Friday, May 15.

However, she is concerned about the low return of the children. Only 10 to 12% of pupils in the first grade have returned to class. And for students who live in priority education neighborhoods, this figure drops to 5.7%. “We call parents one by one, because it is important that they return to class to avoid creating inequalities with other students. In CP, students in priority education districts are 30% with weaknesses in oral reading. It’s 12 points higher than other students, so learning is important. “

Schools reopening on May 14: a headache for Nivernais mayors

From Monday 11 May, if a person thinks he has symptoms of the coronavirus, he will have to contact his doctor, or, failing that, the 15 who will redirect him to an available doctor. The doctor, if he considers the symptoms consistent, will order a test for the patient and other people in his household. They must then remain confined for 8 to 10 days.

Health insurance will identify people who have been in contact with the patient during their incubation period and will contact them by phone to inform them of the situation. These people will also need to stay confined and monitor their temperature twice a day. As for the ARS, it will remain vigilant regarding the grouping of positive cases to identify possible clusters.

Six hundred and six masks were offered to the Neversois by the town hall Monday, May 11, announces Denis Thuriot, mayor. They are available in nearby town halls and in the city center, not at the central town hall, but at the column house, located above the tourist office, to the left of the Ducal Palace. People who need it can pick it up on Tuesday, May 12 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and in the days to come.

Regarding public transport, Monday, May 11, “9 out of 10 people had their masks,” said the elected official. Those who do not have them will be able to find them on buses exceptionally on Tuesday. “Bus traffic is around 10% compared to usual,” he adds.

Canceled or postponed events

In spring and even more in summer, the Nièvre is teeming with cultural, festive, commercial and sporting events. This year, the coronavirus epidemic has shaken things up.

Services and trade


Prefecture. The general reception of the prefecture will open from Thursday, May 14 at the usual hours: from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1:15 p.m. to 4 p.m. The prefecture still encourages to limit travel on site and to privilege contact by email or telephone.

The reception of the foreign public will be done gradually from Thursday, May 14 and only by appointment (every weekday morning from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., and Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:30 to 4 p.m.): 03.86 60.71.37 / [email protected].

The digital reception point for online procedures (driving license, vehicle registration, national identity card, passport, etc.) remains closed.

Sub-prefecture. They gradually open to the public this week from 11 to 15 May with the reception of one person at a time: Château-Chinon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday mornings from 8:30 to 12 noon; Clamecy on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Cosne-sur-Loire on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday afternoons from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

CIDFF. The information center on the rights of women and families (CIDFF) no longer welcomes the public but leaves its telephone lines open (03.45. 52.31.14) as well as its email ([email protected]).

Trade. A directory and a map have been produced in order to communicate with consumers in Nivernais about open establishments or services accessible to all during the confinement period.

Immigration. The prefecture of Nièvre informs that the immigration and integration service is closed “for an indefinite period”. For persons “foreigners in a regular situation, a certain number of documents,” which would expire from March 16, “sees their validity extended by three months: long-stay visas, residence permits, temporary authorizations to stay, asylum request certificates and residence permit receipts “. For any information: [email protected] or from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Monday to Friday, at

The ICC. The Nièvre Chamber of Commerce and Industry) has set up an information and support unit to answer questions from business managers, traders and service providers: [email protected]

The primary health insurance fund urges everyone to favor paperless contact channels. Until the containment measures are lifted, the physical reception points will be closed. In the coming days, the telephone response may be very disrupted in certain departments.
To contact the health insurance services, it is now advisable to privilege the personal account on ameli.fr and on smartphone and tablet applications. It makes it possible to carry out most of the most common procedures: follow up on reimbursements, obtain a certificate of rights or a statement of daily allowances, update personal information (telephone, bank details …). If it is no longer possible to request an appointment online, the services may, however, call the insured following an email, to assist them in their efforts and deal with the most urgent questions.

The Sieeen has closed its reception to the public but ensures continuity of remote service: for computer breakdowns via its extranet, for public lighting ([email protected], or in case of emergency), for the heating network service ([email protected]), for the household waste service and any other request ([email protected]).

DDT. The regional departmental management has closed its reception to the public but its services can be contacted by email (preferred) or via a telephone reception. The contact details of the various services can be found here.


As of Monday, May 11, the start of progressive deconfinement, all businesses can reopen with the exception of bars, cafes and restaurants. The use of a general public mask is recommended.

They have prepared for this reopening.


From Monday, May 11, the bus network of the agglomeration of Nevers operates at 75% of its activity, and normally on Sunday and in the evening. Wearing a mask is compulsory for all passengers. Failure to comply with this measure will cost the offender € 135.

The courinelle has not yet returned to service.


The Burgundy-Franche-Comté Chamber of Trades and Crafts offers services to help artisans. “Our teams respond by telephone as well as by email to questions from companies. At any time, companies can ask to be called back by an advisor (click here).”

Advisers are specially mobilized to support and guide companies that need it, says the CMA, which regularly publishes information on its Facebook page. The chamber has suspended its physical receptions.
CMA of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, territorial direction of Nièvre,; [email protected].


All competitions are stopped until further notice, as well as individual indoor sports.

Between postponements and cancellations, update on the next Nivernais sporting events

What to do in case of doubt?

Various health regulations (generally applied in the event of an influenza epidemic) are issued: wash your hands frequently, cough or sneeze into your elbow, greet without shaking hands, avoid kissing … It is possible to consult them here.

The slightest doubt about possible contamination coronavirus must be managed by the Samu (15). In no case should you go directly to your doctor or the emergency room to limit the spread of the virus in the event of possible contamination. A number has also been set up by the State: 0800.130.000.

ARS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté reminds people to be measured and to “book 15 calls to real medical emergencies and, in the case of coronavirus, to people with severe symptoms “. For non-urgent requests, call your doctor.

People returning from an area considered to be at risk (list on March 26) must observe certain instructions: check their temperature twice a day, avoid contact with so-called “fragile” people (the elderly, children, pregnant women …), monitor the appearance of symptoms of respiratory infection …

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