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Coronavirus news: New York death toll skyrockets

Coronavirus news
The number of corona deaths in New York is skyrocketing

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In Germany, the number of people infected with corona continues to rise. Meanwhile, the implementation of the strict restrictions in public life continues. All developments in stern-Liveblog.

The corona virus continues to spread worldwide. After the mark of 300,000 infected people had only been exceeded last Saturday, there are now more than 470,000. In Germany so far more than37,000 infections according to the figures from Johns Hopkins University in the USA. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), North Rhine-Westphalia has particularly high numbers with more than 7100, Bavaria with more than 6500 and Baden-Württemberg with more than 6000 cases. According to the John Hopkins University, the number of Sars-CoV-2 infected people who died of Covid-19 has now climbed to over 200 nationwide. However, 5,900 people in Germany have now recovered, according to the RKI.

Public life is therefore significantly restricted in many countries. In Great Britain and Spain there are many problems with complying with exit restrictions. Chancellor Angela Merkel sees society as facing a “historic task” and urges her to drastically limit contact with fellow human beings. The Bundesliga will therefore suspend its games until the end of April. Like many other major sporting events, the Tokyo Olympics will not take place this year.

You can find all the news on the subject here in the star special.

Numbers and maps on the spread of the virus can be found here.

Everything you need to know about traveling in times of the coronavirus can be found here.

The most important messages at a glance:

  • Number of corona deaths in New York skyrockets (6:33 p.m.)
  • G20 pump 4.5 trillion euros into the economy (4:12 p.m.)
  • Initial jobless claims skyrocketed in the US (1:48 p.m.)
  • RKI: 5900 corona patients recovered in Germany (1 p.m.)
  • Head of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians: “Have large capacities, but not enough to test 83 million” (12.45 p.m.)
  • CDU / CSU continue to increase in survey (10.55 a.m.)
  • Bosch develops Covid-19 rapid test (9.23 a.m.)
  • US Senate Adopts Trillion Aid Package (6.09 a.m.)
  • Seven Covid-19 cases on “MS Artania” (5.33 a.m.)

All coronavirus developments in the live blog

  • 23:22

    In the United States, 81,378 people have tested positive for the coronavirus. According to Reuters data, this is the highest number of infections worldwide. According to official figures, 81,285 infections have been confirmed in China, where the pandemic began, and 80,539 in Italy.

  • 22:55

    Tim Sohr

    The effects of the coronavirus epidemic are estimated by Chancellor Angela Merkel larger than that of the international financial crisis in 2008. You and the other heads of state and government of the EU had asked the finance ministers to work out technical details of a credit line for the euro zone within two weeks. For Germany, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) is the main instrument to help other European countries in the coronavirus crisis. When asked about euro bonds, Merkel said that the ESM gave enough leeway to react without giving up the basic principles.

  • 22:38

    Tim Sohr

    In Ireland ten people died on Thursday from the lung disease Covid-19. The Ministry of Health announced that the death toll had more than doubled to 19. 255 other citizens had tested positive for the corona virus. This means that a total of 1819 cases of infection are known.

  • 21:57

    Tim Sohr

    The US stock market recovery continued with momentum on Thursday for the third day in a row. A trillion dollar economic stimulus package, which has since been adopted, and statements by the US monetary authorities gave further impetus. The willingness to support the economy with all means in the face of the coronavirus crisis is enormous. This made investors increasingly confident again. The Dow Jones Industrial closed with a premium of 6.38 percent to 22,552.17 points, slightly below its recently reached daily high. After the world’s most famous stock market barometer had dropped to its lowest level since November 2016 at the beginning of the week, it has already regained almost 4,000 points.

  • 21:30

    Tim Sohr

    General Motors (GM) extends production interruption due to the coronavirus pandemic in the North American plants. The carmaker announced that production should continue to rest after March 30th. GM does not mention a point in time from which operations should be resumed. GM had hoped to be able to restart production by the end of March.

  • 21:12

    Tim Sohr

    In the Turkey the number of virus deaths and infections continues to rise. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced on Twitter that 16 people succumbed to the cavity disease Covid-19 within one day, so a total of 75 patients died as a result of an infection with the corona virus. The number of people who have contracted the virus has risen by 1,196 to 3,629.

  • 21:02

    Tim Sohr

    Federal Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) lists aspects that Part of an exit strategy from the far-reaching restrictions. “There are many indications that the special isolation of risk groups, comprehensive tests and also the collection, tracking and evaluation of data on risk groups, infections, diseases and cures can help us to find practicable ways to gradually lift the restrictions again” , says Kramp-Karrenbauer in the “Welt” interview. Freedom as well as “social and economic life” are very important. “At the same time, our health system must be able to withstand the wave of infections.”

  • 20:55

    Tim Sohr

    North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet has warned against too much of a End of exit restrictions to discuss. The speculations only suggested that one was over the mountain, says the CDU politician in the ARD. “But we are not yet over the mountain,” he emphasizes, referring to the increasing number of infections. At the same time, Laschet warns that public life cannot be paralyzed for months. The federal government and the prime ministers would decide after Easter how things will go on. It is then important to weigh up how great the social problems are with prolonged drastic restrictions on life. “This weighing up is crucial, not whether the economy gets back on its feet,” he says.

  • 20:27

    Tim Sohr

    The Corona-EpidemiAccording to a media report, e leads to significant effects in the craft. In a survey by the central association ZDH, from which the “Handelsblatt” quotes, 77 percent of the companies complain about a drop in sales, 55 percent about canceled orders and 36 percent about a lack of staff, because, for example, employees cannot come to work because of their own quarantine or lack of childcare. Almost 4,900 companies took part in the survey from March 23rd to 25th. “The corona crisis hit the trade with full force and across the board,” said trade president Hans Peter Wollseifer the paper. Without state bridging aid, numerous companies would be facing extinction.

  • 20:21

    Tim Sohr

    Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte rejects the draft EU summit declaration as being too cautious. Italy insists on a much more resolute EU response to the crisis, he said in a statement that will be published during the ongoing EU summit. “We have to react with innovative financial instruments,” the statement said. Italy and Spain would give the EU ten days for this. Italy would like so-called corona bonds, i.e. joint borrowing by the euro countries, in order to benefit from lower interest rates. Germany and other EU states reject this.

  • 20:11

    Tim Sohr

    In France, 365 more people died within one day as a result of an infection with the coronavirus. The health authorities say that the total number is 1696. So far, however, the statistics only include those patients who succumbed to the lung disease Covid-19 caused by the virus in hospitals, but not those in old people’s and nursing homes. These data are to be included shortly, which should then dramatically increase the total number of deaths. The number of infected people rose by 16 percent to 29,155 within 24 hours, the health authorities further said.

  • 20:09

    Tim Sohr

    The Frankfurt airport operator Fraport poses because of the effects of the corona pandemic a longer phase with less air traffic a. “We will end 2020 with a strong decline in traffic, even if there is an increase in the summer compared to the current level. In 2021 we will probably not achieve 100 percent of the previous traffic,” said Fraport CEO Stefan Schulte of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ( Fraport wants to overcome the current crisis without state support if possible. Fraport has a liquidity cushion of more than one billion euros, which will be topped up.

  • 19:59

    Niels Kruse

    There are individual health authorities in Baden-Württemberg Data from corona infected people to the police continue. In some districts lists with the relevant data are sent to the police headquarters, reported the Südwestrundfunk and the “Schwäbische Zeitung”. This be done so that yourself Protect officials from contact with an infected person could. The State Ministry of the Interior in Stuttgart defended the procedure according to SWR with reference to the law on the public health service. It also pointed out that the health authorities would later have to ensure that the data of those who had been healed were deleted. The police union also defended the practice. “We lack information from infected people when we go out on missions,” said state chief Hans-Jürgen Kristein of the “Schwäbische Zeitung”. But above all, this information is necessary there the police lack protective clothing.

  • 19:53

    Niels Kruse

    Volkswagen is extending the two-week production interruption due to the corona epidemic in the German plants for a further four working days. The reason for this is the continuing decline in demand for vehicles and the challenges in the supply chain, the carmaker said. In total, an extension of short-time work is requested for around 80,000 VW employees. It was planned that To end short-time work with the night shift from April 9th ​​to April 10th. The plants in Dresden, Emden, Osnabrück, Wolfsburg, Zwickau and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles in Hanover as well as the Volkswagen Group Components plants in Braunschweig, Kassel, Salzgitter, Chemnitz, Hanover Components and the German plants of Sitech are affected.

  • 19:53


    In Great Britain, for the first time, more than a hundred people died within 24 hours from the novel corona virus. 115 patients have died of the lung disease Covid-19 since the previous day, which means the number of dead to 578 increased, said the Ministry of Health in London. The number of officially registered cases of infection is 11,658 – 2000 more than on Wednesday. The UK’s national health service, the NHS, had previously complained of increasing congestion in London’s hospitals due to the coronavirus pandemic. The clinics in the British capital are facing a “constant tsunami” of seriously ill corona patients, NHS representative Chris Hopson told BBC Radio 4. A three-week curfew came into effect in Great Britain on Monday evening – much later than in the UK most of the countries in continental Europe.


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