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Coronavirus news: Covid 19 vulnerability discovered! Breakthrough in vaccine search?

Do scientists in the US have the critical weakness of the Corona virus discovered? As the British Daily Mail currently reports, a team from San Diego is said to have made a groundbreaking discovery in the fight against Corona.

Coronavirus News Current: Breakthrough in Vaccine Search?

In their study, the Scripps Research team examined the blood of a Sars survivor and discovered that an antibody was found at a specific point on the virus pinned and finally killed it. The scientists’ thesis now states that it is precisely this area that could be fired with medication and a corona vaccine developed from it. To support their thesis, the researchers are now looking for volunteer Covid 19 survivors who are ready to donate their blood and make it available for research.

Vaccine or surviving coronavirus infection as the only way out?

Doctors and scientists are currently working flat out to find a vaccine or medication for the coronavirus. Almost 70,000 people worldwide have died of Sars-CoV-2 so far. (As of April 6, 2020)

Research team examined blood from a Sars patient

The antibody taken from the Sars patient is called CR3022 and was isolated in 2006 by the pharmaceutical company Crucell Holland BV in the Netherlands. No Sars case has been diagnosed since 2004. Sars-CoV, the virus that causes Sars, caused an epidemic in Asia in the early 2000s, when it infected more than 8,000 people and killed nearly 800 before being blocked, blocked, quarantined, and otherwise.

Both viruses, Sars-CoV and Sars-CoV-2, are closely related. In their investigations, the researchers found that the Sars antibody attaches to the almost identical location on both viruses. Ian Wilson now referred to this spot as the “Achilles’ heel” of the virus. The difficulty now is to pinpoint this weak point.

Coronavirus patients are currently being treated with various medications

Doctors worldwide are currently using a collection of medicines for patients with Covid-19 that are licensed but have not yet been proven effective. Thousands of patients worldwide are currently receiving the much-touted malaria drug chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, the experimental Ebola drug Remdesivir, the Japanese flu treatment favipiravir and the anti-HIV drug lopinavir.

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