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Coronavirus News: Attila Hildmann arrested – politics

Attila Hildmann has been temporarily taken into police custody in Berlin. He was accused of violating the Assembly and Infection Protection Laws, a police spokeswoman said. A criminal complaint will be made. The cook, known for his vegan recipes, who was on the way to a rally at the Chancellery, had recently noticed conspiracy theories about the Corona crisis.

According to police, over 100 people had gathered around Hildmann at the Lustgarten in Berlin-Mitte. The impression had arisen that he wanted to start with them – but it was not permitted to use an elevator. Hildmann had been released again – and forces had then accompanied him to the place where he was holding a rally.

The Berlin police ended at least one event early on Saturday because more than the maximum of 50 participants were allowed to take part in the demonstration. The personal details were recorded by numerous demonstrators. According to the Berlin Alliance against Right, right-wing groups, parties and organizations are clearly represented at the events against the Corona regulations. A total of said the police in the afternoon by one confusing but quiet location.

Demonstrations against corona requirements across Germany

In numerous German cities, protests against the Corona regulations and counter-demonstrations have taken place again on Saturday. In Berlin, 1,100 police officers were deployed to over 30 Corona-related events. Demonstrations were also held in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Essen, Bochum, Leverkusen, Braunschweig and Augsburg, and only a few demonstrators took to the streets in Bavaria due to rain. In Nuremberg, according to the police, an action against fundamental rights restrictions was “not nearly” as many participants as the 500 announced. A rally was held in Munich canceled because of a storm.

Corona case in Lower Saxony: weren’t hygiene rules observed?

The outbreak of corona after the reopening of a restaurant in Lower Saxony may be due to the fact that distance and hygiene requirements were not met. The district of Leer checks corresponding indications of rule violations. There is “evidence that corona rules may have been violated on the evening of May 15,” said District Administrator Matthias Groote (SPD). The Ordnungsamt must clarify whether this was the case.

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By Saturday, ten people who attended the reopening of the pub in Moormerland in closed company were tested positive for Corona. Another person from another district subsequently became infected, the district said. According to this, domestic quarantine was ordered for around 70 women and men. Since some of them already showed symptoms, further cases of infection cannot be ruled out.

The operator of the “Alte Scheune” restaurant in the municipality of Moormerland had invited around 40 selected guests on May 15, including representatives of companies that had supported him. The distance and hygiene rules have been observed, said the man of the news agency dpa. However, the NDR reports, Guests would have greeted each other with a handshake and wore no mouth-nose protection. In the meantime, people have reported to the health department that, according to their own information, were in the restaurant after May 15, but were not on the guest lists. “According to the Corona requirements, this documentation is mandatory,” said the district.

“According to initial knowledge, the infection is not due to a normal visit to a restaurant,” said Lower Saxony Minister of Health Carola Reimann, “instead a private party was apparently celebrated there.” The country had always pointed out that the corona loosening was associated with a certain risk. “We will not be able to completely prevent contagion in the future either,” said the minister.

Since the reopening of the restaurants and cafés in Lower Saxony on May 11th, the case in the “Alte Scheune” is the first known case of a corona infection in a restaurant. Lower Saxony was one of the first federal states in which restaurants were allowed to reopen. In the days that followed, almost all other federal states gradually followed. Exceptions apply to Bavaria, where for the time being only beer gardens and outside areas may open, interiors only from May 25th.

More than 40 people infected with corona after worship in Frankfurt

After one Worship in a Baptist church in Frankfurt are on the Main more than 40 people infected with the corona virus. This was announced by the head of the health department of the city of Frankfurt, René Gottschalk. According to this, however, only one person is in the hospital.

“We have all meetings canceled. Worship services are now only available online, “said Vladimir Pritzkau, vice president of the Gospel Christian Baptist Church.” It’s a difficult situation for us. ” Frankfurter Rundschau reported. The service was on May 10th. Pritzkau emphasized that “all rules had been observed”. There were disinfectants, the prescribed distance had been observed.

The city of Hanau announced that, according to information from the Main-Kinzig district, “at least 16 people from Hanau were infected with the Corona virus” in connection with the service.

Religious gatherings have been permitted again subject to conditions since May 1st. In churches and other places of worship, for example, the minimum distance of 1.50 meters between people must be maintained, and further hygiene measures such as setting up disinfection dispensers are also necessary.

Cardinal Marx defends corona restrictions

The Munich Archbishop Cardinal Reinhard Marx has statements from fellow believers like that of Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller vehemently rejected. Müller had described the state measures against the corona pandemic as “despicable technocratic tyranny”. In a conversation with the mirror said Marx: “This call amazed me and also stunned me. It splits and scares. “

Marx said that he adhered to what politicians say after intensive consultation. “I don’t know what competency the Church should use to debate what makes sense in a pandemic and what doesn’t.” The state had to do everything in the corona crisis to protect life, said Marx: “But can the state overcome death? No, it cannot. There are limits, we are mortal.”

However, the community can ensure that everyone has the same opportunities for medical care. This is far from being the case in all states: “Nobody should die from the corona virus just because they are poor or old.”

Merkel defends corona restrictions

Chancellor Angela Merkel has once again described the restriction of fundamental rights in the corona crisis as an “imposition” for democracy – but defended the measures at the same time. The CDU politician said in her weekly podcast released on Saturday that she could understand citizens’ concerns about the constraints in the pandemic.

The government is not making it easy with restrictions on fundamental rights. “That’s why they should be as short as possible.” However, they were necessary “because we feel responsible for the dignity of people”. This included preventing the health system from being overwhelmed, which fortunately was also successful.

Union politicians against family bonus

The CSU regional group leader in the Bundestag, Alexander Dobrindt rejects the family bonus apparently planned in the federal government’s stimulus package. After that Parents once for each child 300 euros get to strengthen their purchasing power in the Corona crisis like that mirror reported. North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) had proposed a family bonus of even 600 euros per child.

“We now do not need competition about whether 300 or 600 euros will lead us out of the economic crisis,” Dobrindt told Bayerischer Rundfunk. Instead, it must now “be about innovation issues and new technologies”.

The CDU / CSU parliamentary group’s spokeswoman for finance policy, Antje Tillmann, complained in the Rheinische PostA family bonus for all families is not targeted enough. “It would be better to link the bonus to the child allowance“said the CDU politician. Only children in need then received the child allowance.

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