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Coronavirus: New York sinks into crisis

The worst has been called “appalling”. New York State, the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States, on Wednesday recorded its highest volume of daily deaths since the start of the crisis with 779 deaths, 48 ​​more than the day before.

This toll brought the total number of lives lost in the state as a result of COVID-19 to 6,268, which is more than double the number of victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks, said the state governor. , Andrew Cuomo, during his daily press briefing. “I lived on September 11 and I thought that I would never again see something so sad and so tragic in my life,” he said while insisting that the “bad news Of the day were “not just bad. The bad news is appalling ”.

Despite a declining hospitalization rate, New York remains hard hit by the spread of the coronavirus and authorities announced on Wednesday that the number of deaths could still continue to climb daily before reaching a plateau.

In the main city of the state, the virus spares no one, not even the employees of the public transport service of whom 41 have died in the past few days and nearly 6,000 are now ill and have been placed in isolation. The situation also worries the mayor of the city, Bill de Blasio since it causes delays and cancellations of service on a crucial network which also serves to transport medical personnel to hospitals where the health crisis is concentrated.

I lived on September 11th and thought that I would never see something so sad and tragic in my life again.

As the United States entered one of its worst weeks of the pandemic, with almost 14,700 deaths recorded by early Wednesday evening, the same as Spain, the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO ) called without naming the US president to “quarantine” his politicization of COVID-19. “This is how we are going to achieve victory,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The big boss of the organization thus responded to the attacks of Donald Trump who, Tuesday, during his daily press briefing, made the WHO his new scapegoat so as not to have to assume the scale of the crisis in his country, as it has done since the start of the crisis.

“They reacted badly. They reacted badly. They really missed their mark, ”said the American president, accusing the WHO of having been slow and soft in the response recommended to face the pandemic. He also threatened to end the contribution of US $ 400 million to the functioning of the international organization. “We will withhold this money spent […] and we’ll see, ”he said.

The WHO director called for international solidarity and stressed that the search for culprits, for political purposes, was a dangerous game that could lead to the production of “many more body bags”. “We should not waste time pointing fingers at the culprits. Rather, we need unity, he said. The virus takes advantage of loopholes that are both nationally and globally. “

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