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Coronavirus: New York and its radical change: this is how it has contained the pandemic and has become an example

New York was one of the cities in the United States most affected by the coronavirus pandemic. With more than 23,000 deaths, it became the epicenter of COVID-19 in the North American country during the most difficult months. However, During the last weeks it has managed to reverse this situation, with strict measures different from those in other parts of the planet.

Measures taken to contain the pandemic

In the American city It has advocated preventing large crowds in closed spaces, making a strong commitment to outdoor activities. The parks are full, the restaurant terraces are full and the streets are filled with pedestrians. But, yes, there was the immediate closure of bars inside, cinemas, gyms, schools … Little by little, and thanks to the improvement in the epidemiological situation, some places have been reopening gradually.

These reasons are, according to experts, key so that the pandemic has not continued to spread among citizens. In addition to the mandatory use of masks and the minimum safety distance between people.

According to the journalist, Juan Manuel Benítez, the mayor of New York sees Spain as “a great concern” when asked about the reopening of the interior of bars, restaurants and nightclubs.

Therefore, local authorities have opted for the program ‘Open Restaurants’ to encourage and allow locals to set up terraces outside, and even on the road, to serve customers. More than 60 streets have been closed to traffic in order to provide areas for restaurant tables and more than 10,000 establishments have joined this program, which will last until the end of October.

However, the Government of New York does not rule out repeating it again next summer, in accordance with the success obtained in the fight against the pandemic and with the aim of saving thousands of jobs: some 80,000 are calculated since this initiative began in June.

Implementation of this strategy in schools is being studied

Likewise, open-air school classes are also being studied. The mayor’s office presented a program to continue with this strategy in colleges and schools, but it has not yet been approved due to the concern of teachers about the imminent return to the classroom without adequate preparations.

Violence increases on the streets of New York

In the bad news, there is still the violence that haunts one of the cities with the highest rates of violent crime in the United States. Sir go further, this past August shootings increased 166%; murders, 47%; and robberies, 22%, compared to 2019.

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