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Coronavirus: new measures in sight in Belgium

Bart De Wever (N-VA), as mayor of Antwerp, said Tuesday evening that he could not ban any event solely on the basis of a notice, after the recommendation of the federal government to cancel the events bringing together more than 1,000 people inside.

Bart De Wever says he has already informed the governor of the province of Antwerp and the Minister of the Interior De Crem (CD&V) of his opinion on the matter, namely that he can “ban events in Antwerp only on the basis a clear and objective course of action formulated by the federal authorities, and not on the basis of an opinion “. “If such a course of action is given, it must be accompanied bya compensation fund to avoid an economic bloodbath to the sector and to all the subcontractors, “he still believes.

As a reminder, the council of the federal government to cancel the events bringing together more than 1,000 people inside was decided during the National Security Council, bringing together the federal and federated authorities, on the basis of expert recommendations to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. It is not a total ban because only the bourgmestre can take the effective decision to cancel, said the Prime Minister. Sophie Wilmès (MR).

On the RTBF news program, the Prime Minister hit the nail on the head Tuesday evening. “I remind you that we are in a state governed by the rule of law. The Federal can recommend and it is the mayors who have full jurisdiction (to cancel an event). I would remind you that Mr. Jambon (the Flemish Minister-President, editor’s note), who is close to Mr. De Wever, is part of the National Security Council and that he agreed (on these recommendations). I appeal to everyone’s responsibility. “

“We do not want a lockdown from Antwerp, Flanders or Belgium, but everyone must take responsibility“, reacted the Federal Minister of Health Maggie De Block (Open VLD) in the Terzake program on VRT. “It is quite simply the truth that the Federal recommends and it is with the governors and the bourgmestres to take certain measures. It is important that everyone respects their skills. These are not pleasant measures, “admitted Maggie De Block, but they are” very necessary “.” Can the mayor of Antwerp ignore these recommendations? I suggest he wait for his meeting with the governor and see what he does next. “

The mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close (PS), criticized the position of Bart De Wever. “She will not hold, Antwerp is not an island. (…) I am not in the habit of returning the ball. In Brussels, I’m the manager. How can we tell citizens: “You can go to a concert at Sportpaleis, but not at Forest National’? “, He said in particular.

This Wednesday morning, the governor of the province of Antwerp, Cathy berx, said it would translate into a regulation the federal government’s recommendation to ban events in covered places with more than 1,000 people. En province of Antwerp, 46 events bringing together 1,000 to 40,000 people are planned in the next two weeks. Lderogations from the ban will only be allowed under very strict conditions.

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