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Coronavirus Mexico today April 4. Breaking news and cases, live

In the fight against coronavirus in Mexico, the head of the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred) called on Mexican society to exercise empathy with those people infected with covid-19, who have faced rejection and stigmatization. Regarding the situation of the pandemic in the country, Health authorities reported that the number of deaths amounts to 60, while the number of infections reaches one thousand 688.

Still on MILLENNIUM minute-by-minute coverage with breaking news about the coronavirus in Mexico today, Saturday, April 4.

Coronavirus in Mexico: cases by state

Deaths from coronavirus in Mexico


Sonora reports first death from coronavirus – 16:30 hours

A 29-year-old woman who tested positive for coronavirus died in Sonora, with what became the first victim in the state. The local health secretary, Enrique Clausen, explained that the patient was recently diagnosed with diabetes.

CdMx Government Secretary will donate two months of salary in the face of crisis for covid-19 – 16:10 hours

The Secretary of Government of the CdMx, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, joined the initiative of Claudia Sheinbaum to donate two months of his salary to the hiring of health personnel in the entity in the face of the coronavirus contingency.

Sanitize public spaces in Yucatan – 16:05 hours

In the municipality of Progreso and the city of Merida, in Yucatan, authorities sanitized public spaces with the help of drones, in order to avoid the spread of the virus.

Supermarkets extend restriction to purchase products – 14:58 hours

Derived from the SARS-COV2 coronavirus health emergency, supermarkets limited the sale of staple foods Y not just cleaning products like a couple of weeks ago.

Second death from covid-19 reported in Tamaulipas – 14:39 hours

The Tamaulipas government confirmed the second death from the coronavirus in the state of a 70-year-old man from Nuevo Laredo who had a New York travel history, United States, and which had symptoms since March 24.

Monreal calls on citizens to close ranks with government 14:33 hours

Ricardo Monreal, Morena’s coordinator in the Senate, called for citizenship close ranks with the authorities to overcome the health crisis and not be distracted by sterile confrontations. Through a message on his social networks, he said that “it is not time for division, nor for politics; it is time for science, good judgment, brotherhood and good faith, not partisan politics” .

There are 13 cases in Chihuahua 14:20 hours

The authorities of the Ministry of Health of Chihuahua confirmed a total of 13 cases of coronavirus, of which eight are from Juárez, four from Chihuahua and one from Cuauhtémoc, and there are also 37 suspects. He noted that three people are hospitalized and 77 percent of the cases are ambulatory.

AMLO says epidemic is managed correctly 1:50 p.m.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that the health emergency due to the covid-19 coronavirus is being administered correctly, so that I don’t know what has gotten out of control like in other countries.

“Fortunately, the epidemic is being managed, it has not gotten out of control, and this because of preventive measures, for paying attention to specialists,” he said.

BCS adds 26 infections 13:23 hours

In Baja California Sur, the Ministry of Health reported that coronavirus cases increased to 26That is, 20 in Los Cabos and six in La Paz. The head of the agency, Victor George Flores, said that the suspected cases dropped to 63 of the 84 that were available, and 179 that were negative were ruled out.

Coahuila reports fourth death from coronavirus 13:10 hours

The Coahuila Health Secretariat reported another coronavirus death in the state, which adds up to four deaths. Through a statement, he explained that This is a 56-year-old woman who presented complications and who went to Monclova for medical treatment from the Sacramento municipality.

The cases of infected people amounted to 78 in municipalities such as Monclova, Torreón, Saltillo, Piedras Negras, Ciudad Acuña, San Juan de Sabinas, Sacramento and Matamoros.

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AMLO and Cuauhtémoc Blanco greet each other 12:40 hours

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Governor of Morelos, Cuauhtémoc Blanco, they said goodbye with a peculiar greeting which is a mix of the healthy distance and the well-known signal of the former footballer in the face of the covid-19 coronavirus emergency.

Tamaulipas reports first death from coronavirus 11:37 hours

The Tamaulipas government reported that a person with the covid-19 coronavirus died, making him the first victim of the virus in the entity.

Sheinbaum will donate 2 months of his salary 11:18 hours

The Head of Government, Claudia Sheinbaum, reported that will donate two months of his salary to support the care of patients with coronavirus.

In a press conference, the president explained that she earns more than 39,000 pesos biweekly, so the donation would amount to 150,000 pesos.

AMLO will present a quarterly report without its cabinet for covid-19 10:15 hours

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador He said that tomorrow he will present his quarterly report without the company of his cabinet or the media, to prevent covid-19 infections, in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Health.

Read the full note here

Zacatecas reports another death from coronavirus 09:17 hours

Zacatecas Health Secretary Gilberto Breña Cantú reported that one more person died of covid-19 coronavirus in the entity.

He explained that the death occurred during the morning, so they already add two deaths in the entity from coronavirus.

24-hour curfew extended in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora 08:47 hours

The municipal government of Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, extended curfew to 24 hourss, so that the inhabitants must remain in their homes all day from today, in order to avoid coronavirus infections.

AMLO calls doctors and nurses to attend training to attend cases of covid-19 08:00 hours

The President called on the doctors and nurses to that they come to the training call to attend patients with coronavirus, “because we need them”. He stressed that at the conference at 07:00 pm, information will be expanded.

They will train doctors who join the coronavirus plan- 07:50 hours

The President reported that the emerging coronavirus plan will be strengthened with the training of physicians and that he will give a month’s salary in advance to medical personnel who are hired to care for covid-19 patients.

Read the full note here

AMLO recognizes those who live daily and resist the crisis due to covid-19 07:42 hours

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador expressed its appreciation to the citizens who have sheltered themselves at home from the pandemic; however, he also appreciated the effort of the daily living workers and resist the crisis of coronavirus.

Read the full note here

They detect 6 new cases in Sonora; 28 go 07:35 hours

The Secretary of Health of Sonora reported that they were detected six new cases of covid-19, with which they add 28 total in the state. The patients are four women between 43 and 68 years old, and two men between 49 and 67 years old.

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