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Coronavirus, mandatory quarantine in Puglia for those returning from Spain, Greece and Malta

Mandatory quarantine for those returning from Greece, Malta, Spain. In Puglia, the first such measure is triggered towards European countries since the end of the lockdown. This was announced by the governor Michele Emiliano, with a post on Facebook.

“Greece, Malta, Spain: in the last two days we have registered numerous cases of Apulian positive results for Covid19 after returning from these countries – he writes – These are young people residing in Puglia returning from summer holidays. Greece, Malta, Spain are countries with high viral circulation right now “.

For this reason, Emiliano has prepared the ordinance which establishes, starting from 12 August: the obligation of fiduciary isolation of 14 days for those who return to Puglia to their home from Greece, Malta and Spain. The obligation is in addition to the quarantine obligation already provided for by national laws for numerous foreign countries (lists C, D, E and F, of annex n.20 of the Dpcm of 7 August 2020).

“I remind you – adds Emiliano – that it remains the obligation for all those arriving from other Italian regions and from all foreign countries to self-report on the site https://www.sanita.puglia.it/autosegnalazione-coronavirus. This obligation is available for everyone, residents in Puglia and non-residents and therefore also for tourists.

For those who self-report, active surveillance is activated by the prevention departments of the ASL. Thanks to a protocol signed with the Police, controls on compliance with the self-assignment obligation will be strengthened. The Police Forces will also support the action of our Local Health Authorities in tracing the close contacts of positive Covid cases19 “.

Non-compliance with the self-report obligation provides for heavy penalties, where the fact does not constitute a more serious crime. “Alongside these measures – writes the governor – I inform you that the offer of swab execution is being extended to all those who return to Puglia from areas at risk”.

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