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Coronavirus, mandatory quarantine for those arriving in the United Kingdom from Italy

LONDON – After so many rumors, it is now official. As has already happened to almost all European countries, Italy, San Marino and the Vatican were eventually removed from the list of “travel corridors” allowed by the British Ministry of Transport. This means that all travelers arriving in England from Italy after 4 am on Sunday 18 October will have to undergo a mandatory two-week quarantine as part of the new coronavirus containment measures in the UK.

The basic principle of the “travel corridors”, allowed by the British government last summer, is to exempt from quarantine all people arriving from those countries considered least at risk: to fall within this window, the country or he island in question has fewer than 20 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants accumulated in a week. In recent months, thanks to the low levels of contagion, Italy has almost always been below this threshold. Now, however, due to the second wave of Covid 19 underway, the rates of new infections have skyrocketed in recent weeks: so Italy has reached 58 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants in a week. Too many to continue enjoying the exemption.

Quarantine in the UK is mandatory and there are minimum fines of one thousand pounds for those caught by the British authorities for not respecting it, which can go up to 10 thousand in case of repeated infringements and, in extreme cases, even expulsion from the United Kingdom .

Then there is a paradox. The United Kingdom currently has a much higher rate of infections than Italy, i.e. 157 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants in a week, so much so that cities like Liverpool (which have even broken through 500) have been practically put in lockdown for a month. Yet, if all Italians going to England have to undergo quarantine from dawn on Sunday, the British who will make the opposite trip at least for the moment will be able to avoid it if they prove they have had a negative swab in the last 72 hours or if they take a test. (negative) upon arrival (at the airport or health facilities). In the UK, however, the test system at the airport is still on the high seas and will not see the light for at least another month.

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Mario Calabresi
Sostieni il giornalismo
Abbonati a Repubblica

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