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Coronavirus: majority of parents do not want to send children back to school

Posted Apr 27, 2020, 1:09 p.m.Updated on Apr 27, 2020 at 3:58 p.m.

This is confirmed: the question from school , interrupted since March 16 and the beginning of confinement, is one of the most sensitive to the deconfinement plan which will be presented this Tuesday to the National Assembly by the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe. Scheduled from May 11, the resumption of classes should be spread over three weeks, but it generates a very strong feeling of anxiety with the parents of pupils.

In OpinionWay’s daily CoviDirect barometer for “Les Echos”, 55% of parents declare that they do not want to send their children back to their school. They are even 19% to say that they will “certainly not” put their children back in schools, colleges or high schools. The pollster interviewed 465 parents for four days in a row.

Parents do not yet have a clear vision of the resumption of school and there is still a big blur on the contagiousness of children, says Bruno Jeanbart, Deputy Director General of OpinionWay. Some people wonder about the relevance of going back to school, one month before the end of the school year ”. The percentage of those ready to put their children back in school is the lowest among parents of middle school students (39%).

Distrust at the highest

This great skepticism about the school is more generally accompanied by a great distrust of the executive. In L he CoviDirect daily barometer, Confidence is still down one point on Monday, reaching 40%, its lowest level. “The downward trend continues. The French are waiting for the terms and seem lost compared to the instructions. This drop is therefore linked to the uncertainties and approximations of the executive in relation to the procedures for deconfinement ” Bruno Jeanbart analyzes.

Distrust has increased by 2 points to 58%, its highest level there too since the start of the barometer on March 23.

The only good news is the level of anxiety, which drops significantly since they are only 24% (-4 points) to declare themselves “very worried” while the “not very worried” progress by 3 points to reach 21%. “The decrease in worry is linked to the feeling of less urgency on the epidemic, with figures improving on the health front”, decrypts Bruno Jeanbart.


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