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Coronavirus lurks long after | The time

08 november 2020


Of the people who became infected with the coronavirus two or more months ago, more than one in five still shows symptoms. This is evident from the results of the Great Corona Study of the University of Antwerp

Last Tuesday, just under 25,000 people took part in the Great Corona Study, an initiative of UAntwerpen, with the cooperation of UHasselt, KU Leuven and ULB.

More than two months ago, 812 participants in the study contracted an infection with the corona virus themselves. 22.4 percent of these people are still experiencing symptoms after two months. General fatigue is most often reported. In addition, it concerns symptoms such as shortness of breath, muscle pains and concentration problems.

The scientists also asked the participants if they knew anyone close to them who became seriously ill with COVID-19. Almost two-thirds, or 65 percent, answered positively, while that number did not exceed 50 percent in the period June-September. The majority of the known infected people have the disease at home. About one in six also knows someone who has died of the disease.


The willingness to be vaccinated is again increasing slightly. People over 65 are still the most likely to get vaccinated. In younger people between the ages of 18 and 65, the scientists see a slightly greater willingness to vaccinate when the participants know someone who has been seriously ill.

Participants were also questioned about the measures taken by the government. They find the limited attendance at funerals, the closure of the catering and cultural sector, the abolition of the rule of four, and the ban on group sports the hardest to digest. At the same time, the participants estimate that compulsory teleworking, the extension of the autumn holiday and the abolition of the rule of four will have the greatest effect.

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