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Coronavirus Los Angeles in health emergency for Covid-19 cases

The American county of The Angels declared on Wednesday a health emergency upon confirmation of six new cases of coronavirus in the area, which brings the number of affected to seven.

The statement allows the county to ask the state for help if local resources are exhausted in efforts to contain the spread of the Covid-19, officials clarified at a press conference.

The director of Public Health of Los Angeles County, Barbara Ferrer, explained that the new cases are linked to trips to places where virus outbreaks or close contact with a confirmed patient of the Covid-19.

At a press conference, Ferrer said that one person was hospitalized and that the other five were placed in quarantine at home.

Also read: Coronavirus: how deadly is Covid-19 really?

Ferrer warned that the public should be prepared for possible school closings or cancellation of mass events.

One of the county’s cases was confirmed Tuesday night by the Kaiser Permanente medical organization, which is monitoring patient care, currently in isolation and is treated as an outpatient, said a spokesman for the entity.

The county supervisor, Hilda Solis, encouraged the community not to panic and follow precautionary instructions, as well as avoid acts of racism against Asian communities, the most affected by this virus worldwide.

Also read: Who are more likely to get coronaviruses?

“Too much wrong information has been disseminated. As we expected, it is cultivating fears and leading to racial profiling,” said Solis.

The county of The Angels It will increase your ability to analyze the virus at your local public health laboratory.

“We have to be prepared. We have to protect the well-being of our loved ones and our neighbors, take all possible precautions,” said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.

Also read: What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

This Wednesday, the New York authorities announced this four new confirmed cases of coronavirus, all of them linked to a man who had been diagnosed the day before, which brings the total registered in the state to six.

In total, in U.S there have been more than 125 patients with Covid-19, of which 9 died as a result of the disease, all of them in the state of Washington.


Graphic. Myths about the coronavirus denied by WHO

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