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Coronavirus Lombardia, the latest news and infections today 11 May. DIRECT

According to the Regional Councilor for Welfare, Giulio Gallera, “it will be very useful because it will give us a given estimate regarding access to the hospital”. Serological tests on ATM drivers started a few days ago “but a first assessment is still premature”, explains the company.

From today in Lombardy there is an obligation to measure the temperature in the workplace, a tool “very useful because it will give us a given estimate with respect to access to the hospital. So it will help us a lot to manage the spread of the virus”, said the Regional Welfare Councilor, Giulio Gallera, who spoke at Mattino Cinque.

Serological tests on ATM drivers began a few days ago. The same public transport company in Milan says so. “In the meantime, the company denies the data released in these hours by the press, false numbers without any foundation”. (ALL UPDATES)

10:08 – Giulio Gallera: “On Navigli imprudence, checks are needed”

“I understand the desire for freedom of the citizens who stayed in their home for two months, but we have to start again with great graduality”. This was stated by the Lombard Welfare Councilor, Giulio Gallera, commenting on the images of the past few days of the people on the Navigli of Milan, at the time of the aperitif. Images that Gallera called “imprudent”, adding: “Evidently there must be controls and a dissuading action: we went from Falconara (in the Marche, ed) where you have to book coffee, to the kiosk that gives the spritz on the Navigli Then maybe there is a middle ground of common sense and the need to check that all this is done correctly. ” For Gallera “there must be a restart and also allow spaces of freedom to the people. Perhaps it is more appropriate that the parks at some time remain closed. On Sunday it seems to me that they were more supervised than on Saturday, I found some people around , but all with masks and more distant than in the previous days “. And again: “Bars and restaurants are the most sensitive places. We have always said not when, but how. This will be a very busy week, many activities, if they have identified ways of opening in respect of safety, can reopen”.

9:48 – Giulio Gallera: “From today I have to check fever at work”

The data relating to coronavirus in Lombardy “are positive. The +18 of intensive care is a quiet figure, out of 5000 hospitalized people it may be that someone gets worse but that is not a wake-up call. As long as the data continues to shrink like this, the situation is positive “. This was explained by the Lombard Welfare Councilor Giulio Gallera, in connection with ‘Mattino Cinque’ broadcast on Canale5. De added: “The mechanism of the obligation to measure the temperature in the workplace, which starts today, will be very useful because it will give us a preventive measure with respect to admission to the hospital. So it will help us a lot to manage the spread of the virus “. The commissioner also specified: “It is clear that the results of the reopening, of what happened this weekend and last week, we will see them in 10-15 days, so we will be very careful”, ensuring that “there is constant and continuous monitoring “.

7:12 – Milan, test in progress at ATM: “Untrue diffused data”

Serological tests on ATM drivers began a few days ago “but a first assessment is still premature”. The same public transport company in Milan says so. “In the meantime, the company denies the data released in these hours by the press, false numbers without any foundation”.

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