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Coronavirus, Lombard prefect meetings. Fontana: “The schools? Decision on the weekend”

Milan, February 27, 2020 – It is in program at 9 in the headquarters of the Milan prefecture a meeting of all prefects of the Lombardy to take stock of the situation of the Coronavirus in the Region. The councilor for Welfare of Lombardy Giulio Gallera also participates in the meeting, while some collaborators of the president Attilio Fontana will not be present because in prudential isolation given that a governor employee tested positive for the swab.

Fontana: “We will take stock at the weekend”

“On measures taken to combat coronavirus, such as the closure of schools, we will meet for take stock at the weekend. “ This was stated by the President of the Region, Attilio Fontana, in connection with Rtl. For Fontana “there we can decide if you notice areversal or if it is still too early. Saturday or Sunday we can give an answer. Professor Burioni told me that before six to seven days from the entry into force of the measures, the results are not obtained, it is not possible to notice whether the measures have taken effect. “Then, regarding his choice of self-isolation, after one of her close collaborators proved to be poetic on the test, she explained: “The message I wanted to give is that you have to have respect for others. Although I am negative, since I had a daily relationship with those who unfortunately turned out to be positive, I have to move with some caution. My negativity can be transformed into positivity. I haven’t met her for three days. “” My life will be as normal as possible – he added – I will simply wear a mask to be sure that if I become positive, I will not infect other people “. And to whom who did it note that the mask he wore live on Facebook is the surgical one and not the one with higher standards, the governor replied that “they are the only ones that remain. And I am very nervous that they are unable to provide us with the masks. “

First case in Abruzzo: he is a Lombard tourist

A man, admitted to the infectious disease department of the Teramo hospital, is positive result at the first test for Covid 19. The final confirmation of the infection will only come with the results of the second exam, which will be performed at the Spallanzani Institute in Rome. The news came from the Health Prevention and Protection Service of the Abruzzo Region. ” The patient, residing in lower Brianza, had arrived in Roseto degli Abruzzi together with the family, to spend a few days in their holiday home. On presenting the symptoms of the disease, yesterday he was immediately hospitalized and subjected to the first test which, performed in Pescara, was precisely positive. In accordance with the Civil Protection, all the procedures envisaged and the family put in isolation have already been implemented ”.

First case in Denmark, after vacation in Lombardy

The Danish authorities announced today the first known case of coronavirus: it is a man who had returned from Italy with his family on February 24 after spending a holiday in a ski resort in Lombardy. His wife and son tested negative and the man’s condition was said to be fairly good.

A case in the Lombardy Region

Coronavirus, positive the test on a Lombardy Region employee. It’s about a close collaborator of President Attilio Fontana. Just to investigate, it had been press conference canceled from 18.30 to take stock of the situation. The woman has had contacts with the crisis unit, operational since last Friday, after the news of the first infected in Lombardy. It is located on the sixth floor of Palazzo Lombardia, headquarters of the Region, and is made up of technicians from the Welfare and Civil Protection directorates coordinated by the relevant departments. Fountain did know that hal moment did not contract any type of infection.

Positive chorister of the Scala

A chorister della Scala tested positive for the coronavirus buffer. According to what appears to the day, the test on the singer was performed a few days ago, even if the theater employee was already at home with a fever from February 13th; the day before he had taken part to the recitation of the Troubadour by Giuseppe Verdi, and since then he has no longer entered the building in via Filodrammatici. According to the information available at the time, the infected would have already passed the acute phase of the disease and is at home in good health.

Precautions on the Milan-Paris TV station

Sncf Voyages Italia has activated precautionary measures to protect ship’s personnel and passengers on Tgv Milan-Paris trains. The Tgv service, says a note, takes place regularly with the performance of all the 3 return trips between Milan and Paris as scheduled. For staff on board trains, kits with protection devices containing filter masks, disposable gloves, bags and disinfectant were distributed. The company, through its internal communication channels, invited employees to comply with the prevention rules issued by the Italian Ministry of Health. For an autonomous initiative, Sncf Voyages Italia for passengers who have already purchased a travel ticket until March 29, has provided for the possibility of full refund of the ticket – regardless of the fare purchased – or date change at no additional cost.

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