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Coronavirus: Loire-Atlantique, Vendée, Maine-et Loire … 876,300 young people deprived of school

“These are not extended holidays, on the contrary.” Asked about France Inter, the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, insisted this Friday March 13 on the closure of schools, which are not “not vacanciess “. If “all scenarios are considered, neither the baccalaureate nor the competitive exams for grandes écoles should be canceled “.

Each student parent will receive identifiers for the device “my class at home”. “I don’t want any student to stay on the side of the road”, assured the Minister. “The goal is not to be in front of a screen”, guides and instructions will be given in the coming hours, added the Minister of National Education.

“What value will our bin have?”

“We really weren’t expecting it. Yesterday we were all watching TV. Everyone was surprised. Afterwards, we will see. All the high school students are invited by the principal at the end of the morning to the auditorium to explain to us how we are going to do. We have bac exams in a little over a week. I am a little worried. Me, this is my second year of high school and there have been reforms in the bac. We don’t really know how that And then what value will the baccalaureate have if we give it because of the coronavirus? We will be a little generation “they did not work but they have the baccalaureate anyway”. Our diploma will have no value, nor recognition. In addition we are in the middle of our journey, we’re all in the dark, laments a high school student from Nantes high school Nelson Mandela.

“Our diploma will be worth nothing on the job market”

“The teachers are trying to find ways to make videoconferences. It already works in private schools. By email too, we can send each other lessons. They try to reassure us as much as possible. Me, I’m not really worried but well, that’s not the case for everyone. However, if the bac exams and the bac exams are postponed, we tell ourselves that our diploma will no longer be worth anything on the job market. I don’t know if that’s a wise decision to close high schools I’m a little disappointed. If that’s the only way to preserve our health, we’ll find solutions to have classes anyway“, testifies this other student of final year.

“I’m starting to be worried”

“I don’t really realize. For me, it’s a bit excessive. Maybe it can prevent the rapid spread of the virus. I don’t really know. I think it’s going to be complicated for the bac. teachers talk about a minimum of six weeks of closure. We’ll see what happens. Our teachers tell us that they are going to send us lessons over the internet and that we will have to work at home. At first I thought the government would not do not like in Italy, there I start to be a little worried “, adds Lea.

There is already the question of pupils connected or not to the internet. Which students have a personal computer? Because a family computer is good, but if in a family of four children, all are still in school, how do we do it? There is also the question of sheets to photocopy, courses to distribute, that there are the means to do so. But there is also and above all the need to guarantee educational equality throughout the territory so that the disadvantaged classes are not the most affected by this operation. In any case, distance education will never replace face-to-face teaching. A class is a sum of individuals with sometimes for some of the difficulties. What we expect is that it will come out of this health crisis of economic and social political commitments-Bernard Valin, union delegate professor FSU 44

876,300 young people affected

In the Nantes Academy, where 3.7 million inhabitants live, 386,800 schoolchildren, 197,400 middle school students, 125,400 high school students, 135,000 students and 31,700 apprentices are affected.

According to new data from the Regional Health Agency (ARS), 42 cases were confirmed in the Loire region this Thursday, March 12. 34 cases were listed the day before.

Loire-Atlantique has three additional cases, for a total of 15 cases. The departments of Maine-et-Loire and Sarthe each have three additional cases for a total of ten cases for each department. The Mayenne remains in two cases. The Vendée still has five confirmed cases of coronavirus.

The Pays de la Loire are among the 2 to 3 French regions most affected.

61 dead and 2,876 cases. In France, 61 people have died since the start of the epidemic and 2,876 cases of Covid-19 coronavirus have been diagnosed, according to the report of the day communicated by the Directorate General of Health, Thursday, March 12. A total of 129 people are in serious condition “requiring resuscitation”, specifies the general direction of Health in a press release. “The virus is now actively circulating in several areas of the national territory, the epidemic is growing in France”, adds the press release from the Directorate General for Health.

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