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Coronavirus live ticker: +++ 07:00 South Korea prohibits church services +++

South Korea is tightening the distance rules to curb the spread of the corona virus. The ban on large events and church services and the closure of nightclubs, which previously only applied to the greater Seoul area, is to be extended to the entire country from Sunday.

+++ 06:39 freelancers are demanding more Corona help +++
The Federal Association of Liberal Professions has asked the black-red coalition to make improvements to the Corona aid. Chief Executive Peter Klotzki told the German Press Agency with a view to the coalition committee planned for this Tuesday that solo self-employed people in particular have been left in the lurch for about half a year. “This does not promote the willingness to be independent, but rather stifles it.” Politicians had decided on programs worth billions to secure jobs. Other trade associations also want improvements. At the coalition committee, the heads of the government alliance will probably discuss an extension of the maximum duration of short-time work benefits – from 12 to 24 months. The extension of the short-time allowance in question is a suitable instrument to keep employees in the team and to stabilize the labor market, said Klotzki. “However, the auxiliary instruments continue to diverge: Solo freelancers in particular and those with few employees are further disadvantaged compared to employees.”

+++ 06:14 new infections rise above the 2000 threshold +++
The number of new infections reported daily in Germany has exceeded the threshold of 2000 and reached the highest level since the end of April. The health authorities in Germany reported 2034 new corona infections within one day (data status 08/22 at midnight), as the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) said on Saturday morning. The peak of the daily reported new infections was at the end of March / beginning of April at more than 6000, after which the values ​​fell significantly.

+++ 06:09 BA boss: “Some industries” would probably not survive the second lockdown +++
The President of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), Detlef Scheele, warns of the consequences of a second nationwide corona lockdown. “If it came to the fact that schools and daycare centers would close again and parents could no longer work, some industries would probably not survive,” he tells the “Rheinische Post”.

+++ 05:28 Boeing develops anti-virus rod for aircraft disinfection +++
The US aircraft manufacturer Boeing claims to be developing a rod that should emit ultraviolet light to neutralize bacteria and viruses. The device is intended to be used to disinfect the instruments in the cockpit and the cabin. The rod is intended to replace cleaning agents such as alcohol or other disinfectants that can attack sensitive electronic devices, the company said.

+++ 04:37 German travelers to Latvia have to be in quarantine +++
Germans who want to travel to Latvia will in future have to go into a 14-day quarantine after arriving in the Baltic state. This emerges from the latest travel and security information that the Foreign Office published during the night. The reason for this is therefore the increasing number of new infections in Germany. Latvia imposes a quarantine obligation for travelers from countries in which there have been more than 16 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within two weeks. On the corresponding list of the Latvian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a value of 16.5 was most recently given for Germany. According to the Federal Foreign Office, all travelers are required to register when entering Latvia.

+++ 02:31 USA: Researchers fear 310,000 corona deaths by December +++
According to a widely observed model, researchers fear even more corona deaths in the United States than last forecast. By early December, a total of almost 310,000 people could die after being infected with the virus, around 15,000 more than assumed two weeks ago. This emerged from an update of the model used by researchers at the IHME Institute at the University of Washington in Seattle. If 95 percent of people always wore masks in public, the number of victims by December 1 could be significantly lower at around 240,000, the researchers said. So far, around 175,000 people have died in the United States after being infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. Most recently, around 1,000 people died every day. The IHME model predicts an increase in the number of deaths to around 2000 victims per day at the end of November at the beginning of the cold season, from around mid-October. So far there have been around 5.6 million confirmed corona infections in the USA. Between 40,000 and 50,000 new infections were recently reported daily.

+++ 01:22 Laschet: Travelers from risk areas should pay for virus tests themselves +++
North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet wants to ask travelers returning from risk areas to pay for corona tests. Such tests should “be added to the travel price in the medium term, similar to airport charges,” Laschet told the newspapers of the Funke media group. “It is not acceptable that the general public should pay for this in the long run.” At the moment, however, it is a matter of acting consistently and quickly with free compulsory tests. “It’s not a permanent solution.” The NRW Ministry of Health had previously asked travelers from Corona risk areas to contribute to the costs of the tests.

+++ 23:27 report: countries are considering tightening corona measures +++
In view of the increasing number of infections, several federal states are apparently considering tightening the corona measures, especially against parties and festivals. “Private celebrations are a very great danger,” said Brandenburg Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”. If the number of infections continues to rise at the current pace, there is again a threat of “tough contact restrictions”. Everyone should be aware of this. According to the report, calls for the most uniform, stricter measures possible come from North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony and Berlin. The minister-presidents of the federal states want to discuss the corona situation and any necessary consequences with Chancellor Angela Merkel in a video conference next Thursday.

+++ 22:33 Hotspot in Hessen: After the wedding, 30 infected people +++
After a wedding celebration in the Groß-Gerau district of Hesse, the number of people infected with corona rose to 30. “The 160 wedding guests have been identified and are in quarantine at home,” says First District Member and Health Department Head Walter Astheimer. One family of the wedding couple is particularly affected. According to the district, the bride and groom celebrated twice in Kelsterbach on August 7th and 14th – once with 100 and once with 160 guests. One or more infected people would have unknowingly infected others. “An eight-person team from the district health office is busy tracking them around the clock,” says Astheimer. “We are working flat out to investigate the course of the infection and to break the chain of infection.”

+++ 22:14 FDP wants to suspend taxes and duties for trainees +++
The FDP wants to strengthen vocational training in times of Corona with a “trainee pact 2030”. The Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Economics, Volker Wissing, stressed that one could not be satisfied with the current number of training contracts. “We need a real boost in this area.” Specifically, the FDP proposes to make vocational training completely tax-free by the end of 2021. The training companies could pass on part of the resulting savings to the trainees as additional remuneration.

+++ 21:55 SPD boss: Carnival in the usual way not possible +++
The SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans, who lives in Cologne, considers street carnivals 1.5 meters away and face mask to be “alien”. On the sidelines of an SPD event in Dortmund, the native of the Rhineland says: “I think that you have to say early on that Carnival as we know it will not go under the current circumstances.” Concepts are needed that make it possible to save the mood on a small scale and still not allow uncontrolled partying. “Gangelt was a very small part of the Rhenish Carnival last year.” In the community in the Heinsberg district, which was one of the first corona hotspots in Germany, there were numerous infected people at a carnival meeting at the start of the pandemic in Germany. Anyone who applies this to the major carnival centers can imagine that something like this cannot be done without a vaccine, says Walter-Borjans.

The most important developments of the previous day regarding the current situation regarding the global coronavirus pandemic can You can read it here.

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