Home » today » News » Coronavirus live ticker: +++ 04:15 US epidemic authority: 187 million vaccine doses already administered +++

Coronavirus live ticker: +++ 04:15 US epidemic authority: 187 million vaccine doses already administered +++

+++ 04:15 US epidemic agency: 187 million vaccine doses already administered +++

According to the CDC, the United States has already given 187 million vaccinations. As confirmed by the CDC, more than 119 million Americans have been vaccinated at least once. In about 72 million people, the vaccinations are even completely completed. The CDC count includes the two-dose vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech and the single-dose vaccine from Johnson & Johnson.

+++ 03:17 DGB supports compulsory testing in companies +++
The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) supports compulsory corona testing in companies. DGB boss Reiner Hoffmann tells the newspapers of the Funke media group that the obligation for employers to offer their employees regular tests, as envisaged by Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil and Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz, must come now. Hoffmann appeals to the CDU and CSU to give up their “blockade” on the subject.

+++ 02:07 Lauterbach: EM in twelve countries “irresponsible” +++
Health expert Karl Lauterbach believes that UEFA’s adherence to a European football championship in as many as twelve countries this summer is “irresponsible”. In an interview with the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”, the SPD politician refers to an increasing risk for football professionals of long-term consequences after corona infections. “These are long-term health problems that can mean the immediate end of a career. This must be honestly communicated to people whose health is their capital,” says Lauterbach with a view to diseases that are called Long Covid (Langes Covid-19) in technical terms.

+++ 00:47 “Emergency brake” arranged for Düsseldorf +++
North Rhine-Westphalia ordered the Corona “emergency brake” for Düsseldorf from Tuesday, as the seven-day incidence there is over 100 for the third day in a row. From April 13th, only contacts between a household and a maximum of one other person are allowed, as the Ministry of Health announced in the evening. Body-hugging services where the minimum distance cannot be maintained are again inadmissible, it said. These include nail salons and massage parlors. Medically necessary services as well as hairdressing, foot care and passenger transport remained permissible. Visiting museums and art exhibitions will again be prohibited from Tuesday.

+++ 23:21 Further easing in England +++
In England, the second phase of the corona easing will come into force on Monday, during which the outdoor areas of pubs and restaurants will also be allowed to reopen. In addition, all shops, gyms and hairdressers are allowed to reopen. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said a week ago that the easing was “fully justified” by the falling number of infections. With more than 127,000 corona deaths, Great Britain has the highest number of victims of the pandemic in Europe. However, the UK is making good progress with corona vaccinations. Of the 66 million inhabitants, more than 32 million have already received a first dose of vaccine, and a further 7.47 million people have already received both injection syringes. As part of a four-step plan, all corona restrictions in England are to end by the end of June.

+++ 21:55 Scholz sees SPD countries on course +++
According to the SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz, the social democratically led federal states are behind the plan for nationwide corona regulations in the Infection Protection Act. He had just spoken to the prime minister of his party, said the finance minister on Sunday evening on the ZDF program “Berlin direkt”. “They are all behind this project and will also support it. There will be formal deliberations, but the path is clear and everyone will be supported.” The bill will be decided in the cabinet on Tuesday. Previously, there had also been detailed criticism from SPD countries.
Read more about this here.

+++ 21:25 “Pandemic worsened”: US Secretary of State attacks China +++
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken harshly criticizes China for its behavior in clarifying the corona pandemic. China has denied access to international experts and did not provide information in a timely manner, Blinken told NBC. China’s behavior has made the pandemic worse. The responsible WHO representative complained in March that China had obstructed a WHO investigation committee in the country.

+++ 20:50 Corona traffic light in Saarland jumps to yellow +++
In Saarland, the seven-day incidence was over 100 for three days in a row and the corona traffic light in the country jumps from “green” to “yellow”. From Monday, April 12th, an extended test requirement will apply. This was announced by the Ministry of Health in Saarbrücken in the evening. The existing test obligation will be extended to all previously open areas – this also includes retail and body-friendly services. In Saarland, the health authorities registered a further 66 corona cases within one day. The nationwide incidence, i.e. the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within the past seven days, was 121.1 after 125.0 the previous day. It was only on Tuesday that Saarland began to exit the corona lockdown despite the increasing number of infections. A whole range of facilities and houses was allowed to reopen, in addition to outdoor dining, cinemas, theaters, concert halls, fitness studios and tennis halls are also included.
Read more about this here.

+++ 20:20 Only one federal state below the 100 limit +++
On a seven-day average, only one federal state is below the 100 limit value from which the emergency brake should take effect: Schleswig-Holstein is clearly below that with an incidence of 71.1. Twelve out of 16 federal states are seeing increasing incidences. Only Berlin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saarland and Schleswig-Holstein are not showing any increasing dynamics.

Thuringia has the most new cases per 100,000 inhabitants – ahead of Hesse and Saxony. With over 300 per 100,000 inhabitants, the Free State is also the front runner among the federal states when it comes to active cases.

+++ 20:15 Germany reports 16,800 new cases +++
Germany has passed the three million mark: The number of reported coronavirus infections has risen to 3,005,648. As can be seen from the information from the state authorities evaluated by ntv.de, 16,825 new cases were added. This is the highest Sunday stand since December 20th. The number of deaths related to infection rose 83 to 78,433. Around 252,200 people are currently infected.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.22 (previous day: 1.07). This means that an average of one hundred infected 122 other people infect with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 1.08 (previous day: 1.02). According to the Divi Register, 4585 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 2604 of whom are ventilated. The number has been rising continuously since March 12, but has not yet reached the highest number during the second Corona wave of 5762. Around 4,364 intensive care beds are currently still available in the German clinics.

You can read more information about the most important corona data here.

You can read the previous developments here.

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