The ECDC registers 1,686 cases of omicron and warns that “there could be undetected community transmission”
The European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) has so far registered a total of 1,686 cases of the omicron variant of the covid-19 virus in the European Union and the European Economic Area, after the confirmation of 920 positives in the last 24 hours. As detailed by the ECDC, Ómicron has already spread to 23 countries of the ‘old continent’: Austria (17), Belgium (30), Croatia (3), Cyprus (3), Czechia (8), Denmark (195), Estonia (26), Finland (20), France (59), Germany (82), Greece (3), Iceland (20), Ireland (10), Italy (27), Latvia (5), Liechtenstein (1), Netherlands (62), Norway (958), Portugal (49), Romania (8), Slovakia (3) Spain (36) and Sweden (23). In addition, several probable cases have been reported in several countries.
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