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Coronavirus last minute: Healthcare cuts phase restrictions

This Saturday June 6 starts the last weekend in which some territories of Spain are still in phase 1 of the de-escalated by the coronavirus epidemic. A situation that will end next Monday, June 8, when the whole country is in phase 2 or phase 3 of unconfinement. Situation for which the Government has approved through the BOE some relief measures such as the capacity of public transport or the controlled opening of some entertainment venues.

A situation that is reached while the scene of New normality, that after the alarm state will be governed by a Decree Law that the Government of Spain presented this Friday at the Interterritorial Council to the Health advisers and that he announced Medical Writing.

The state control of the pharmaceutical industry, the contingency plans in hospitals, the maximum period of 5 days to increase the beds for admission to the floor and ICU, or the sanitary control of travelers at Spanish airports will form part of this New normality.

Meanwhile, in Spain the numbers of positives for coronavirus follow a gradual decrease, as do deaths and infections from healthcare professionals. The latter already represent more than 51,000 cases of Covid-19 and, in the last dates, Catalonia is the Community where 30% are spread of all the positives confirmed by the Ministry of Health.


Coronavirus: Ceuta plans to move to Phase 3 soon

The Government of Ceuta plans to request the Ministry of Health to go to Phase 3 of de-escalation “as soon as possible” after they have been two consecutive days without registering any new positive for Covid-19.


Revilla asks that mobility between Cantabria and the Basque Country be allowed from the 15th

The president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla (PRC), hopes that the Government of Spain will allow free movement between Cantabria and the Basque Country to be brought forward to June 15, as he has claimed in statements to RNE, collected by Europa Press.

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Portugal again suspends non-urgent activity in hospitals due to coronavirus cases

The Government of Portugal has announced the suspension of non-urgent activity in the hospitals of Lisbon, Amadora, Sintra, Loures and Odivelas due to a higher concentration of Covid-19 cases, according to sources from the Ministry of Health cited by the news agency Lusa.


Coronavirus: Extremadura will not allow interprovincial trips or open nightlife venues until June 15

The autonomous community of Extremadura will not allow displacement between its provinces, Cáceres and Badajoz, at least until June 15, that is, once the first week has passed in Phase 3, which begins on Monday, and in which it would have powers to decide on this matter.


Coronavirus: Andalusia will allow mobility between its eight provinces from next Monday

The President of the Andalusian Government, Juanma Moreno, announced this Saturday that his government is going to allow people to travel “freely” throughout the Autonomous Community from next Monday, June 8, coinciding with the access of the region to Phase 3 of the transition plan towards the “new normal” of the coronavirus crisis.


LAST MINUTE: UK records 204 deaths in the last hours

Deaths from coronavirus in the UK increase by 204, according to the latest figures. That means the official death toll from Covid-19 in the country is 40,465, according to data reported by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). However, the actual number is believed to have already exceeded 50,000 deaths.


Menorca does not register any new contagion from Covid-19

Menorca has not registered any contagion of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the last 30 days since the last positive case was detected on Thursday, May 7. As reported by the Menorca Health Area this Saturday, in this way there is only one patient admitted to the Internal Medicine plant, although he has already passed COVID-19 and is recovering from the consequences of the infection. In this sense, they have explained that the island has not had an active case of coronaviruses since this Friday.


Extremadura adds only one positive for Covid-19 and no deceased

Ceciliano Franco and José María Vergeles.

The autonomous community of Extremadura has reported a new contagion confirmed by Covid-19 PCR in the last 24 hours in which there has been no new death from the disease. In this way, the balance of fatalities since the start of the pandemic remains at 510 in a community that in the last day has detected another 171 suspected cases, while it has ruled out another 183.-


Catalonia registers 17 more deaths from Covid-19 and 302 positive from Covid-19

The funeral homes have registered until this Saturday 12,358 deaths in Catalonia from coronaviruses (17 more than in the last balance): 6,755 in a hospital or social health center, 4,061 in residence, 784 at home, and the rest are cases that cannot be classified due to lack of information. So far there have been 68,002 positive cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus confirmed by diagnostic test (rapid test or PCR): 302 more than in the previous count.


Basque Country admits that there is “controversy” with the data on the deaths of Covid-19

The Basque Health Minister, Nekane Murga, has acknowledged that there is “controversy” with the data provided daily by the Ministry of Health on the fatal victims of the covid-19 pandemic. However, he warned that both institutions measure the same thing “in a different way and, sometimes, evaluating different aspects.”


Adrián Barbón, President of Asturias, praises the rigor of the region with the Covid-19 data

Adrián Barbón, President of the Asturian Government.

The president of the Asturian Government, the socialist Adrián Barbón, has defended this Saturday the “rigor” of the Principality by reporting the number of deaths that are COVID-19 cases. He has said that his data practically coincide with those recorded in the reports of the Daily Mortality Surveillance (MoMo) of the Carlos III Institute. Faced with this coincidence, Barbón has said that in other autonomous communities there is a “gap” of “thousands of people”. According to Barbón, in Asturias they are “extremely rigorous” with this matter and always give data even above those reported by the Ministry of Health.-


They build an annex in the health center to detect cases of Covid-19

The Bobadilla del Campo City Council is going to expand its health center so that it has an annex intended solely to detect possible cases of Covid-19 infection. An investment that will cost the coffers of the City Council 27,000 euros: 24,000 euros for the work and an additional 3,000 euros for the purchase of a defibrillator and an electrocardiogram.


Rosa Medel (Podemos): “We need a national pharmaceutical industry with a public presence”

The spokeswoman for Podemos in the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies has analyzed in an interview the challenges that arise in Spanish health after the coronavirus crisis, as well as the failures that were made in its management. Medel, who is a doctor, has explained that a public pharmaceutical industry should be bet on and the National Health System should become a strategic entity for Spain. Informs Medical Writing Esther Ortega.


Coronavirus: Euskadi allows you to move around its territories and maintains a strip for the elderly

The Basque Government will allow this Monday, when the Basque Country goes to Phase 3 of the de-escalation, mobility without any limitation within the scope of the Basque Country and will maintain the priority time slot reserved for elderly and vulnerable people for the development of physical activity.


Coronavirus | Ruiz Escudero assures that Madrid “never” applied the draft with restrictions on the transfer of the elderly

The Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, has assured that the draft protocol that pointed to restrictive criteria for transferring residents to hospitals “was never applied”, as it reveals that at the peak of the incidence of the coronavirus they were committed almost 500 referrals. “Humanly possible was done to care for the elderly,” he emphasized.


Coronavirus: overseas France lightens de-escalation

French Polynesia, which comprises more than 100 islands in the South Pacific, will open its doors to international travel next month in a bid to save its vital tourism industry. French overseas territory, which reported as few as 60 cases of Covid-19 and no deaths to date, had halted international flights in March amid the pandemic.


The German basketball league returns after the break due to the coronavirus

The German basketball Bundesliga returns this Saturday June 6 after a break due to the coronavirus pandemic with a tournament in which ten of the 17 teams will participate and from which the champion of the season will leave next day 28.


All passengers on the flight to Lanzarote, negative in coronavirus after flying with a positive

All the passengers of the Madrid-Lanzarote flight who underwent a test to detect if they had been infected by a man who was traveling on the plane and who had tested positive for cCvid-19, had tested negative for the disease. The Ministry of Health reports that a total of 57 tests have been performed.


Coronavirus: the EvAU in Madrid, with a mask per exam and a bottle of disinfecting gel

The instructions of hygienic-sanitary character for the students who take the exams of the EvAU in the Community of Madrid, which will take place on the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th of July at the universities, include the “mandatory use of a mask” the recommendation to have one per exam, as well as a bottle of hand sanitizer gel for personal use.


Coronavirus: migrants arriving by boat can be transferred to another Autonomous Community during quarantine

Migrants arriving on the Spanish coasts by patera must comply with the 14-day quarantine to which people from other countries must undergo during their arrival in Spain during the Covid-19 crisis, but in their case they may be transferred to other autonomous communities during this period.


Greenpeace warns of the increase in disposable plastics due to the coronavirus pandemic

Greenpeace has warned, on the occasion of the International Day of the Oceans celebrated this Monday, June 8, that the Covid-19 crisis “is leaving behind an increase in disposable plastics, which is a new step back” .


Italy warns of a relevant presence of coronaviruses in some parts of the country

The Italian Higher Institute of Health (ISS) has warned that “there are no critical situations” for coronaviruses in the country, but clarified that in certain parts there is a still significant presence before which we must not lower our guard.


Coronavirus: Health allows mobility between Guadalajara and Cuenca from Monday 8

The Order of the Ministry of Health by which various orders are modified in order to relax certain national restrictions includes the possibility that there will be mobility between the provinces of Cuenca and Guadalajara from Monday 8, when they enter Phase 3.


Coronavirus: Euskadi registers 7 more deaths, and confirms 4 new positives by PCR and 61 by rapid test

The Basque Country has registered 7 more deaths from Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, reaching 1,571 deaths since the coronavirus pandemic began. In addition, four new positive cases have been confirmed by PCR tests and 61 by rapid tests.


Balearic Islands registers 2,223 accumulated cases of coronavirus and 223 active, two fewer than this Friday

The Epidemiology Service, dependent on the General Directorate of Public Health and Participation, has transmitted to the Ministry of Health that until this Saturday the Balearic Islands have 2,223 accumulated cases of people confirmed with SARS-CoV-2, eight more than this Friday.


Coronavirus: Cantabria registers a new positive by PCR and four by antibody test

Cantabria has not registered any deceased by Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, but it has a new case confirmed by PCR and one more hospitalized (there are a total of six). Four new positives have also been counted by antibody tests.


Coronavirus: second drug against Covid-19 registered in Russia

The Russian Ministry of Health has reported, through a statement, that it has registered a second local drug for the treatment of Covid-19. The new preparation, Levilimab, is an inhibitor of the interleukin-6 glycoprotein and allows it to contain the body’s immune response and avoid the cytokine storm caused by the new coronavirus in severe cases.


Coronavirus: Ana Oramas criticizes the climate of political tension due to the pandemic

Ana Oramas, deputy of the Canary Coalition.

The deputy of the Canary Coalition, Ana Oramas, has criticized the climate of political tension that was experienced last Wednesday in the debate in Congress and that she herself questioned, assuring that she felt “ashamed”. “That was a horror of insults,” he lamented. In an interview with RNE, he assured that the coronavirus health crisis in Spain has brought out “the worst of politicians” who behave at times like “in a tavern in the west.”-


Coronavirus: Madrid is considering asking the central government to “accelerate” the implementation of Phase 3 measures

The Community of Madrid is considering the possibility of requesting the Ministry of Health to speed up the implementation of Phase 3 measures in the region, such as increasing the capacity allowed in shopping centers, if the indicators of health related to the coronavirus continue to decline.


Coronavirus: about 40 passengers are quarantined after arriving in Palma on two international flights

The 40 passengers of two international flights that this Friday have arrived at the Son Sant Joan airport in Palma, will have to pass the quarantine period of 14 days.


Wedding Causes Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

The Reuters agency has reported that the celebration of a wedding has contributed to a new increase in coronavirus infections in Iran, as explained by President Hassan Rohaní, who insists that the country had no choice but to keep its economy open to Despite warnings of a second wave of the epidemic.


Andalusia registers 85 hospitalized and maintains 28 admitted to the ICU for coronavirus

Andalusian hospitals continue to lower the healthcare pressure for the Covid-19 and register this Saturday 85 patients admitted, two less in the last 24 hours, of which 28 are in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), the same number of patients as on Friday.


The Government develops guidelines to reduce the risk of contagion of coronavirus in the tourism sector

The Government has developed new guides to restart tourism with the maximum health guarantees and “thus offer confidence to our visitors, but also to workers and residents that Spain is a safe destination,” according to the Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver.


Coronavirus: Health increases the capacity of public transport and ‘opens’ the clubs

The Ministry of Health has published a new order, included in the Official State Gazette (BOE), which modifies some points regarding the restrictions in Phases 2 and 3 of the de-escalation process. It removes restrictions on the occupation of land vehicles, both private and public transport, so that from now on three and buses will have all their seats. Informs Medical WritingMaria Garcia.


Indonesia reaches its peak in infections since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic

The Indonesian Ministry of Health, according to Reuters, has reported 31 new deaths from coronavirus and 993 infections, bringing the total figures to 1,801 and 30,514, respectively. This is the largest daily increase in infections recorded since the pandemic began.


Coronavirus: Barcelona and Lleida could enter Phase 3 before June 22

The health regions of Barcelona and Lleida could enter phase 3 of unconfinement before June 22 if the coronavirus pandemic progresses favorably, as explained by the Minister of Health, Alba Vergés, in an interview in the program ‘El Suplement ‘de Catalunya Ràdio.


ERC hints that military personnel who traveled to Wuham were able to bring the coronavirus pandemic to Spain

ERC wants the Government to give more explanations about the trip made by some 170 military personnel to the Chinese city of Wuham and which, in their opinion, could have been one of the main routes of entry of the coronavirus into Spain, according to what is found in a battery of questions registered in Congress.


Galicia registers 542 active Covid-19 cases

The General Directorate of Public Health of the Ministry of Health reports that, in the last update, the number of active cases of coronavirus in Galicia is 542, of which 124 are from the area of ​​A Coruña, 33 from that of Lugo, 49 from the from Ourense, 16 from Pontevedra, 196 from the Vigo area, 110 from the Santiago area, and 14 from the Ferrol area. Of the total of positive patients, 1 remain in the ICU, 26 are in hospitalization units and 515 are at home. For now, in Galicia there are a total of 10,221 people cured, registering 618 deaths.


Ana Oramas believes that the crisis brings out “the worst of the politicians”: They behave as in “a tavern in the west”

The deputy of the Canary Coalition (CC) Ana Oramas considers that the health crisis caused by the coronavirus has brought out “the worst of the politicians” who, in her opinion, behave at times as in “a tavern in the west”, as it happened, In his opinion, last Wednesday during the debate in Congress on the sixth extension of the state of alarm.


Covid-19-related inflammatory syndrome in children, most common in Africa

An inflammatory syndrome in children and adolescents believed to be related to COVID-19, and similar to Kawasaki disease, appears to be more common among children of African descent, according to a small study from a Paris hospital published in the magazine ‘The British Medical Journal’.


The WHO advises the use of cloth masks against the coronairus

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended the use of cloth masks to citizens living in countries with community transmission of coronavirus and at times when physical distance can be guaranteed, for example, in transport public. As explained by its CEO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, these should consist of at least three layers of different material, although he insisted that the use of these products alone does not protect against the new coronavirurs.


Spanish households increased their shopping basket by 32.5% in April due to the coronavirus

Spanish households increased their shopping basket by 32.5 percent in April, to a total of 3,091 million tons, as a consequence of the confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic according to data published this Saturday by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food.


Guatemala exceeds 200 deaths from coronavirus

Guatemala has overcome the barrier of 200 deaths from Covid-19 after reorganizing its count by confronting data with private hospitals and Social Security, as reported by the Efe agency. In addition, the country’s health minister has reported that 331 new infections have been detected in the last 24 hours, for which the country totals 6,485 cases in total.


New Zealand is close to declaring itself ‘coronavirus free’

While countries around the world continue to grapple with Covid-19, scientists hope to be able to declare next week that New Zealand is virus-free. So far, the country has suffered 22 deaths from the coronavirus.


There are about 395,000 deaths worldwide from coronavirus

The new coronavirus pandemic is about to reach 395,000 fatalities and has caused more than 6.7 million infections worldwide, according to the latest balance from Johns Hopkins University.


About 600 healthcare professionals have died of coronavirus in the US

About 600 health professionals have died of Covid-19 in the US and the list continues to grow, according to an exclusive published this morning by the media. The Guardian beside Kaiser Health News (KHN).


Coronavirus | A doctor, on the new normal: “Do not forget that you are still vulnerable”

Anesthesiologist Elena Casado Pineda does not want people to forget all those people “we have lost” throughout the coronavirus pandemic. For this reason, “so that the new normality does not become simply doing what we did before, and covering our eyes when people die,” he wrote a letter through social networks. Informs Medical Writing.


Germany registers 33 deaths and 407 daily cases of coronavirus

Germany has counted 33 fatalities in the last 24 hours due to the coronaviurs pandemic, one more death than the previous day. In addition, the country has notified 407 new cases, which is why it is close to the 184,000 infected and 8,700 deaths, as reported by the Robert Koch Institute.


America reaches 170,000 deaths from coronavirus and Peru is the ninth country with the most cases in the world

Peru has become the ninth country in the world with the most confirmed cases of Covid-19, after accumulating 187,400, in a day in which the American continent is around 170,000 dead.


Madrid modifies those killed by Covid-19 in residences: 5,986 dead

Enrique Ruiz Escudero, President of the Community of Madrid.

The Community of Madrid has modified in its latest report the number of deaths from coronavirus in residences, which is reduced by 21 with respect to the count on Tuesday, and reaches 5,986 deaths, compared to 6,007 previously reported to the Ministry of Health. In the last report, to which Efe has had access, a total of 1,253 deaths correspond to cases confirmed by the PCR test and the remaining 4,733 to those cases that presented symptoms compatible with the disease.-


Twelve regional presidents will decide when they enter the new normal

The Official State Gazette (BOE) has published this Saturday the norm that opens in Spain an important change in the de-escalation towards the new normality after the coronavirus epidemic. And it is that twelve of the autonomous presidents, those who have their communities since Monday June 8 in the middle of phase 3, will decide when their territories enter the aforementioned new normal after the state of alarm. María García reports.


The PP asks Fernando Simón to appear in Congress to explain the management of the Covid-19

The Popular Parliamentary Group has demanded the appearance in the Health Commission of the Congress of the director of the Center for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies (CCAES), Fernando Simón, to explain the different decisions he has made since the beginning of the year regarding the coronavirus. The PP asks Simón to account for “the decisions made and the work carried out since the beginning of the year to prevent the spread of Covid-19.”


India confirms 9,887 new cases of coronavirus in one day

The Asian country has confirmed this Saturday 9,887 new cases of coronavirus in one day. In total, India has more than 236,000 cases and more than 6,000 deaths. However, these figures come when there are only a few days left for the country to resume its economic and social life with the reopening of businesses, public spaces and places of worship.


Spain reopens the Prado, Thyssen and Reina Sofía museums with security measures after the Covid-19

The Minister of Culture, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, has celebrated the reopening of three key museums in the Spanish cultural landscape: the Prado, the Thyssen and the Reina Sofía. He has also launched a message of hope through his account on the social network Twitter.


Russia records 8,855 new cases and 197 deaths in the last 24 hours

Russia records 8,855 new cases and 197 deaths in the last 24 hours. The total number of infected already exceeds 449.00 and the deaths of 5,000, making the country the third most affected in the world after the US and Brazil.


The New England Journal of Medicine warns of the dangers of negative PCR

In a review they explain that measuring the sensitivity of the test in asymptomatic people is an urgent priority. Also that negative results, even in a highly sensitive test, cannot rule out infection if the pretest probability is high, so clinicians should not rely on unexpected negative results (i.e., assuming that a negative result is a “false negative” in a person with typical and known symptoms exposure).


The President of the Senate regrets that the Covid-19 does not raise the level of parliamentary debates

The president of the Senate, Pilar Llop, regrets that parliamentarianism is not “writing its best chapters” with episodes such as the one that occurred this week in the plenary session of the Upper House, when a row between the PP and a senator from Más Madrid ended the march of the hemicycle of the popular group.


China asks its citizens not to travel to Australia due to increased racism after Covid-19

“Recently there has been an alarming increase in acts of racial discrimination and violence against Chinese and Asians in Australia, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the Chinese government explained in a statement.


Santander and Bilbao can receive international flights

The BOE of this Saturday leaves, therefore, in this way the panorama of all the Spanish airports that can receive international flights: El Prat, Barajas, G Canaria, Malaga, Mallorca, Seville, Menorca, Ibiza, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Tenerife S , Alicante-Elche, Valencia, Santander and Bilbao.


Aragon will allow phase 3 mobility between its 3 provinces

The President of Aragon, Javier Lambán, has confirmed through his account on the Twitter social network that his Government is going to allow mobility between the three Aragonese provinces: Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel. A measure that will begin this Monday, June 8, when the entire region enters phase 3.


China confirms three cases of coronavirus imported from abroad in Guangdong

The Chinese Ministry of Health has confirmed three cases of coronavirus imported from abroad in Guangdong province on Saturday and has not registered any positive for local transmission. During Friday, they have not confirmed any new deaths from COVID-19, although health authorities have reported a new suspected case of the disease from abroad in Shanghai. So far, there are 83,030 confirmed cases in the Asian country and the deceased have remained at 4,634.


Brazil confirms more than 30,000 new cases of coronavirus and exceeds 645,000 positives

The Brazilian Ministry of Health has confirmed this Friday 30,830 new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, so that the total number of people affected by the pandemic in the country, epicenter of the virus in Latin America, has reached 645,771 positives.


Ecuador exceeds 3,500 deaths from coronavirus and has more than 42,000 infections

The Ecuadorian Ministry of Health has reported this Friday that the country has reached 3,592 deaths due to the coronavirus pandemic and has presented more than 42,000 infections. Specifically, according to the last official balance, the authorities have confirmed 42,106 cases of COVID-19. In addition 4,100 patients have already recovered from the virus and 11,858 have received an epidemiological discharge.


Mexico adds more than 4,000 new cases of coronavirus and the total exceeds 110,000 positives

The Mexican health authorities have reported this Friday that more than 4,000 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the country, so the total balance already exceeds 110,000 positives. Specifically, according to the figures offered, collected by the Mexican press, in the last 24 hours 4,346 new infections of the COVID-19 have been registered, so the global calculation has risen to 110,026. For its part, the 625 new deaths have increased the number of fatalities to 13,170.


Bolsonaro threatens a possible exit from Brazil from the WHO due to his “ideological bias”

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has threatened this Friday with the possible exit of Brazil from the World Health Organization (WHO) if he continues to be guided by an “ideological bias” after his actions in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. “The United States has left the WHO and we will study, in the future, if the WHO has worked without ideological biases, but we will also be out. We do not need anyone from outside to give us clues about our health,” Bolsonaro said at a press conference. , collected by Agencia Brasil.


Peru registers more than 4,200 daily coronavirus cases and exceeds 187,000 positives

The Ministry of Health of Peru has registered 4,202 coronavirus cases this Friday and has thus reached 187,400 positives, according to the latest balance offered by the health authorities. In addition, a total of 5,162 people have died in Peru from the COVID-19 pandemic. “We regret to report that COVID-19 has caused the death of 5,162 people in the country. We accompanied their relatives at this time of pain,” said the Ministry of Health in a statement.

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